Reform of the Judicial Branch; this is the ballot for elections in PJF

Reform of the Judicial Branch; this is the ballot for elections in PJF

MEXICO CITY.- Luisa Maria Mayorholder of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), presented the ballot proposal to vote for judges, ministers and magistrates, in case the bill is approved reform of the judiciary.

The presentation took place during the second day of the National strike of judiciary workers against the president’s initiative Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

This is the ballot to vote for judges, magistrates and ministers

Luisa María Alcalde presented an example of what the ballot would look like to elect judges, magistrates and ministers in the extraordinary elections of 2025.

“We will receive a ballot where we will vote for five women and five men, in the case of judges and magistrates; in the case of ministers we will vote for nine, five women and four men, and for the Disciplinary Tribunal for five,” he explained.

Three lists will appear on the ballot with the names of the candidates proposed by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

Reform of the Judicial Branch; this is the ballot for elections in PJF

Citizens must elect five women and five men as judges, the same number for magistrates and five women and four men for ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

The ballots do not include photos of the candidates, nor will their names be crossed out, as is the case with voting for positions such as the Presidency, Deputies and Senators.

Instead, the same citizens must write the full name (FIRST NAME+LAST NAME+LAST NAME) of the applicant, or the number assigned to them on the list.

The names are on the back of the ballot, and will be written on the front.

Ministers, Magistrates and Judges in office will also be on the ballot, in a fourth list with their names and assigned numbers.

READ ALSO: Judicial Branch strike: what happens with pending and emergency cases?

The head of Segob indicated that the extraordinary election of judges will be organized, supervised and audited by the National Electoral Institute (INE).

The campaign period will be two months and public or private financing will not be permitted.

However, they will have radio and television time as well as discussion forums.

The candidates with the most votes will occupy the posts. In the event of a permanent absence of Ministers, Magistrates or Judges, the second-placed candidates will occupy the posts.

Los Evaluation Committees They will verify the professional academic background as well as the technical and ethical qualities of the candidates, in order to select the best profiles.

In this way it will be chosen, by insaculationto three candidates per position (Minister, Electoral Magistrate and integral to the Disciplinary Court).

In addition to two candidates for the position of Circuit Magistrate o Judge.

Extraordinary elections will be held on the first Sunday in June 2025.

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#Reform #Judicial #Branch #ballot #elections #PJF
2024-08-27 19:21:17



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