“Reference to Greco” with Takis Chrysikakos at the Orofos theater

For a single performance, Nikos Kazantzakis’ “Reference to Greko” with Takis Chrysikakos will be presented at Orofos on Monday, November 4 at 9 pm.

“Reference to Greco”, is the last work of the great Greek writer. A kind of spiritual autobiography or, as Kazantzakis himself characterizes it, a “report” in the military sense of the term, about his goals and his efforts. It starts from his childhood and stops on the day of the “Cretan look” and the conception of the Odyssey. It does not narrate the whole of his life, but presents the stations of his spiritual path, without following the strict chronological order of his actual biography.


Takis Chrysikakos stars in the show, who interprets Nikos Kazantzakis and characters from his work and talks to his protagonists, Captain Michalis, Alexis Zorbas, Domenikos Theotokopoulos and the beautiful Helen of Homer!

A show where, through the heroes of Nikos Kazantzakis’ works and his confessions (to his grandfather, as he calls El Greco), we encounter the greatness of Greece and the indomitable spirit of the author himself.

The program of performances started in Crete, the birthplace of Nikos Kazantzakis, with the support of the Region of Crete and caused great excitement and emotion.


Also following an invitation from the culture sector of the European Parliament, the show was presented in Brussels, while the summer premiere of the work took place in Heraklion, at the tomb of Kazantzakis, with the support of the Municipality of Heraklion.

The show, which is done in collaboration with Kazantzakis Publications, continues its performances all over Greece and will travel to universities and cities in Europe and America, under the auspices of the General Secretariat of Hellenism Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Region of Crete and the Museum Kazantzakis, to honor the work of the great Author.


Performance ID

Theatrical adaptation – direction-visual arts: Takis Chrysikakos
Partner – director: Emmanuela Alexiou
Song selections: Chainis Dimitris Apostolakis
Lighting: Dinos Metalidis

General admission: 15 euros
Reduced: 13 euros (student, unemployed, disabled)
Presale of tickets at the Theater Box Office and at ticketservices.gr
Reservations at 2611-810983 / 6936915422

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#Reference #Greco #Takis #Chrysikakos #Orofos #theater



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