Referee Cristiana Laraspata saves fan’s life in Italy

Christian Laraspata

Referee tries to revive fan during game

Cristiana Laraspata has recently been a referee in the fourth highest Italian league. On her Serie D debut, the Italian tried to keep a fan alive with chest compressions.


Cristiana Laraspata officiated her first game in Italy’s Serie D on Thursday.

Aiabari/ Instagram

  • Referee Cristiana Laraspata resuscitated a fan during a game.

  • For Laraspata it was the first appearance in the fourth highest division in Italy.

  • Despite their commitment, the viewer died shortly followingwards in the hospital.

Thursday was a special day for Cristiana Laraspata. The young Italian made her debut in Serie D, Italy’s fourth-tier league. The game between Vastogirardi and Avezzano will not only be remembered by Laraspata for a long time because of its premiere. Because in the overtime of the game, a spectator collapsed and the game director rushed to the man and started directly with the chest compressions.

Laraspata, who is a paramedic by training, provided first aid until paramedics arrived and took over. The 68-year-old man was then transferred to the hospital shortly followingwards, where he died a short time later. Although Laraspata’s use was unsuccessful, she was hailed as a heroine in the Italian media.

“Would always act like this”

The referee described the incident to the Italian newspaper “Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno”: “There were endless moments. For a moment, the man even seemed to recover. I did everything to save him.” Even if her efforts were unsuccessful, Laraspata added that she would do it once more at any time.

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