Reefo became the patron of the Contemporary Art Center and the Sapiegi Palace Culture

“Reefo” will make a significant contribution to creating contemporary art exhibitions, developing educational and cultural activities, expanding the audience and mobilizing communities, and in the Sapiegi Palace – to the continuation of restoration projects and other palace activities. Presented works of art and organized cultural events in the renovated buildings of “Reefo” and their public spaces will open up more opportunities for city residents and guests to experience the phenomena of reality reflected by contemporary art and to draw inspiration.

The director of the Contemporary Art Center, Kęstutis Kuizinas, was happy that the new stage of the CMC’s activities is accompanied by this partnership: “In more than 30 years of the CMC’s activity and work with private sponsors, this is probably the first partnership of this scale. It is based on mutual values, listening and striving to reflect the most interesting phenomena of modern reality, to foster community and a deeper understanding of cultural processes in society. I hope that the successfully developing partnership with Reefo as an example of good practice will inspire and encourage more business representatives to work ambitiously together with the cultural field and create their own success stories.”

The team of the Sapiegi Palace cares that the cultural dialogue of the present and the past takes place in the palace spaces. According to Gintautė Žemaitytė, the head of the Sapiegi Palace department of the ŠMC, this partnership is important for the Sapiegi Palace for several reasons, first of all, because of greater opportunities to reveal the beauty of the palace to the public, to reflect on the development of residential architecture and the connections with the lifestyle of different eras.

“Cooperation with Reefo is based on the values ​​that unite us – the pursuit of sustainability, creative interpretation of heritage, openness to innovation. I have no doubt that this partnership will open up new opportunities for both us and the wider society”, – Gintautė Žemaitytė shared her thoughts about the new partnership.

“While developing building concepts, we try to find the best relationship between the building and the environment – one that connects the past, present and future. We find a lot in common with the contemporary art community, people who try to answer fundamental questions, who find answers or perhaps new, even more interesting questions in the field of art, architecture and design. We wholeheartedly support the dialogue of contemporary art, heritage and constantly changing reality created by the Contemporary Art Center and the Sapiegi Palace, and we want to contribute to it,” said the manager of Reefo.

#Reefo #patron #Contemporary #Art #Center #Sapiegi #Palace #Culture
2024-08-27 22:57:52



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