Reducing Sugar Intake for Better Health: WHO Recommendations and Effects on Seven Health Indicators

2024-04-02 14:18:10

WHO “Especially children, sugar intake should be reduced to 58g per day or 5-10% of total caloric intake”

Entered 2024.04.01 18:10 Entered 2024.04.01 18:10 Modified 2024.04.01 18:11 Views 8,353

If you resist the ‘sweet temptation’ of sugar, your overall health will improve. Even if you quit drinking for just 10 days, seven health indicators will noticeably improve. It’s truly amazing. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Many people experience dieting, fasting, and intermittent fasting throughout their lives. Reduce the total calories (energy) you consume or try eating fewer carbohydrates. What will happen if you just cut out sugar (fructose), which has recently been a topic of global interest?

According to the Australian non-profit media ‘The Conversation’, a comprehensive evaluation of various research results showed that sugar is an important cause of various diseases. A group of scientists studied regarding 40 adolescents (ages 8 to 18) to see what happened when they stopped consuming sugar and fructose for 10 days. The research team had these participants eat bread, hot dogs, and snacks. I just stopped eating sugar.

Study results showed that participants showed improvements in seven health indicators. Neutral fat (or fat), fasting blood sugar, blood pressure, fat accumulated in organs including the liver, liver function index (AST), insulin resistance, and body mass index (BMI) were all lowered. It has also been shown that people feel much better and their behavior improves.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends reducing daily sugar intake to less than 10% of total caloric intake. In particular, many children with a sweet tooth are advised to reduce their sugar intake to regarding 58 g (14 teaspoons) per day, or 5 to 10% of total caloric intake. This is not a very large amount. A bottle of Coca-Cola (300ml) or a cup (240ml) of sugarcane juice contains regarding 30g of sugar. Coca-Cola also has unsweetened (zero sugar) products.

Children consume regarding 52% of the daily recommended amount by drinking just one bottle of Coca-Cola… If possible, change to unsweetened

How can we lower our sugar intake to WHO recommended levels? Experts recommend two things first. Record what, when, and how much you eat throughout the day. Also, mark fresh vegetables and whole fruits with an asterisk, and check which foods contain added sugar. Next, set achievable goals. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake, or reduce the amount of added sugar you consume each day.

Reducing your sugar intake can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, and some cancers. Recently, in addition to developed countries, African countries are also joining global efforts to reduce sugar intake. South Africa is taxing sugar-sweetened beverages to tackle obesity, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases.

When sugar is a part of our daily diet and we have sweet treats on special occasions, it is very difficult to avoid consuming it. If you want to quit or drastically reduce sugar, you must first know exactly regarding sugar. Sugar is a type of molecule found in fruits, vegetables, plants, and mammalian milk that produces natural sweetness. It can be extracted from these natural sources and concentrated in processed foods. The molecules that produce the sweet taste of edible sugar (sucrose) are glucose and fructose. Sucrose is a disaccharide. It is a molecule made by chemically combining two monosaccharides, glucose and fructose, in a 1:1 ratio. Sucrose is used in many processed foods.

High fructose corn syrup used in processed foods is a mixture of the simple sugars glucose and fructose. A combination of 45% glucose and 55% fructose is common. Sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup are found in more processed foods than in fruits and vegetables. This is why health experts emphasize the need to reduce intake of processed foods. Added sugars in various foods and beverages are used not only to add sweetness but also to improve color or improve texture. It can be used as a preservative or added to aid fermentation.

If you reduce various processed foods… You can significantly reduce your sugar intake

Foods also contain other natural sugars. Lactose is a disaccharide made by combining two monosaccharides, glucose and galactose, in a 1:1 ratio. Contained in mammalian milk. It is produced naturally to provide nutrition to young. It is also found in dairy products such as cheese and ice cream. Honey made by bees consists mainly of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose, along with some maltose, sucrose, and other carbohydrates. The maltose in breakfast cereals and bread is a disaccharide made up of two glucose molecules.

Naturally occurring sugars are produced by plants, bees, and mammals for their own needs. The human body needs glucose as fuel for all cells, especially brain cells. This is why you need to keep your blood sugar levels stable day and night. The way our bodies use fructose is different. Fructose can be converted into glucose and used as fuel or processed into neutral fat.

If you consume too much sugar, or fructose, various health indicators such as triglycerides in the blood rise. The risk of metabolic dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease increases. There is ample evidence that the more sugar you consume, the worse your health becomes. Be especially careful with your sugar intake.

” ⓒ ‘Honest Knowledge for Health’ ( / Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution, AI learning and use prohibited”

#quit #sugar #days.. #body #functions #improved



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