Reducing Retail Waste: Maximizing Profit and Sustainability in Luxury Brands

2024-01-05 20:42:22

Major brands and luxury houses are not immune to unsold items. In France and Germany, destroying or disposing of inventory is prohibited by law. Although this is not the case in Switzerland, brands are nevertheless increasing their vigilance to avoid waste and even profit from it.

Like every year after Christmas, Bongenie Grieder stores have unbeatable sales. “There, these are different brands which are on sale at prices of 30 to 50%”, illustrated Friday in the 7:30 p.m. of the RTS the Communication manager of Bongenie Claudia Torrequadra, pointing to a clothing rack.

But as not all luxury brands can afford to go on sale, the brand doesn’t stop there. “We sometimes have sales for staff. Depending on the quantity of merchandise we have, we make this decision and organize an internal sale at our purchasing center, at reduced prices,” continues Claudia Torrequadra.

Growing success of “outlet” stores

Another option which is enjoying growing success: “outlets”, shops which only sell discounted items, often end of series items. That of Aubonne is the only one of its kind in French-speaking Switzerland. Major brands sell their stocks there, selling their products at very competitive prices.

“The customer comes looking for good deals. Whether it is a customer from a higher socio-professional class or a customer with average purchasing power. The advantage is that they will find big brands there at a reduced price. The reduction is at least -30%, but it can go up to -70% during the sales”, underlines Cédrick Soudron, director of the Aubonne Outlet center at the RTS microphone.

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Every month, the center is contacted by around ten ready-to-wear brands who would like to set up their store there. Driven by inflation and the decline in purchasing power, attendance at the center increased by 7% in 2023.

Claire Eckersley/hp

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