Reducing Electricity Consumption Through Low-Tech Objects: The Art of Alizée Perrin

2023-08-05 07:35:00

Consuming less electricity by making low-tech objects, such as a desert fridge or a pedal blender, that’s what artisan designer Alizée Perrin is talking about in this summery Point J.

Working on low-tech and autonomy issues, Alizée Perrin and her partner Yoann Vandendriessche left Paris five years ago to test their methods in an old converted fire truck. Solar oven, solar water heater, desert fridge, and Norwegian pot allow you to do without electricity, or almost. And how does it work ? “The desert fridge, for example, reproduces the environment of a cellar” by placing wet sand between two stoneware pots. Ideal for storing fruits and vegetables!

Low-technology does not replace electrical energy but it is a complement.

Alizée Perrin, artisan designer

“We cannot replace the fridge, but if we manage to remove as many of the products stored there as possible to have a smaller fridge, this greatly reduces our electricity consumption. The fridge represents around a quarter of the energy consumption of our ‘home. We don’t invent anything, we reshape and adapt.”

With what tools? And how to make a solar oven or dryer?

Listen to the whole episode: How to make a desert fridge? / Point J / 10 min. / Thursday at 5:00 p.m.

Caroline Stevan and the Point J team

To go further: “Low-tech everyday objects”, “Low-tech objects and direct energies”, Alizée Perrin and Yoann Vandendriessche, Ulmer editions

>> See also:

#Podcast #desert #fridge

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