Reduced tillage: what to consider before starting?

Equipment dedicated to minimum tillage has multiplied on the market in recent years with formulas that are similar with a few exceptions. It is very tempting then to equip yourself, but the jump to reduced work requires a good dose of reflection, testing and resourcefulness, according to a webinar devoted to the question by the CRAAQ. Eliane Martel and Stéphanie Veilleux of Lavi-Eau-Champ dissected the question, going from the technique itself to the various equipment available on the market.

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Reduced tillage means incomplete incorporation of crop residues which is not tillage, but takes different forms.

Advantages over conventional tillage include time and fuel savings, soil protection, increased organic matter, a more favorable environment for microorganisms, and better soil health, including fertility. Compared to direct seeding, drying in the spring is faster and allows the surface to be decompacted. On the other hand, the residues may be too abundant for a traditional seed drill and the drying out less quickly in the spring compared to ploughing. The passage of equipment in the fall must be done in dry conditions and the control of weeds must be done using another approach.

During the transition, Ms. Martel indicates that it is necessary to ensure that the hydraulic network is in good condition with good liming and an absence of compaction. We will also favor the best fields to give ourselves a chance of success. You also have to consider the type of soil you are working in and adopt the appropriate work methods, depending on whether you are dealing with clay, sandy or loamy soil. Depending on the soil, the work will be more appropriate in the spring or in the fall.

In the same way, we must consider the rotation of crops and the residues they leave on the ground. Silage corn and corn will not have the same management since the first is harvested early and leaves little residue, while the second ends the season with a lot of residue. Weed control must, for its part, be the subject of different techniques depending on the fields and the problems, which means end-of-season or pre-sowing, post-emergence, residual burning, etc.

It is now possible to work with a wide variety of equipment. A few questions should be asked beforehand, in addition to soil types and crops. Do you want to buy or is it possible to modify your equipment? Does a CUMA have the required equipment? Ms. Veilleux also stresses that you almost have to mourn the loss of ideal equipment. The year 2022 with a wet spring, difficult to work, demonstrated the limits of possible work and a large amount of straw on the side of cereals. It may also be useful to keep the plow for leveling work. However, the adviser recommends respecting certain criteria in the choice of equipment: light, wide and a fairly even tillage result. Above all, avoid over-equipping.

There are three main categories of equipment: those with discs, legs and combinations. The first ones will cut the ground and the residues while pulverizing and crushing. They are recommended for all types of soil and are to be preferred in the fall. They are ideal for the incorporation of organic fertilizers and green manures. Legged equipment, on the other hand, creates a shock wave by cracking the ground, which brings the coarse particles to the surface. We recommend them in the spring, while paying attention to fields with a lot of residue. The handsets will combine the characteristics of legged and disc equipment. Ms. Veilleux has a downside to the cultivators and rotary harrows, which are heavy equipment and have a small working radius, especially since several passes in the field may be necessary to have an adequate surface for the next crop.

In conclusion, you have to be ready to step out of your comfort zone, because many tries may be necessary before finding the right strategy. For best results, it is best to start with good fields that are ready for transition. And if the ideal equipment does not exist, it is possible to attend demonstrations or even rent equipment to test it on the farm before buying it, an option offered by many manufacturers. But above all, you will have to be patient before reaping the fruits of your labor and reactive to situations.

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