reduce subsidies, end historical memory and expel immigrants

Vox announces that there is no agreement with the PP and publishes its demands: reduce subsidies, end historical memory and expel immigrants

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Vox announces that there is no agreement with the PP and publishes its demands: reduce subsidies, end historical memory and expel immigrants

There is no government agreement between PP and Vox in Castilla y León. Santiago Abascal’s party has published a statement on its website “before the refusal” of the Popular Party to reach an agreement. In it they make public their “proposals to guarantee a government that attends to the needs of the Castilian and Leonese.” Thus, in the first three months, the far-right party intends to reduce “all public subsidies to unions, employers and political organizations, as well as public funds dedicated to institutional “, repeal Decree 9/2018 of the Historical Memory and Democratic Republic of Castilla y León and eliminate “the budgetary and regulatory items that promote the pull effect and favor the trafficking of human beings” in addition to collaborating as a Government with the Police “in the identification of illegal immigrants so that they can be expelled”.

The proposal, which the PP does not accept, recognized that the presidency of the Board would be in the hands of the Popular Party and “six of the nine ministries” while the vice-presidency of the Board, as well as the Presidency of the Courts and the third Secretariat of the Table, would fall on Vox. Therefore, those of the extreme right, who during the electoral campaign were betting on the drastic reduction of ministries, would eliminate only one.

Among the axes of government they cite: monitoring and defending the equality before the law of all the citizens of Castilla y León, promoting solidarity between all the territories of Spain and strengthening the role of the provinces and municipalities, vindicating the common history, “understood as an integrating element for reconciliation, combating any attempt by those who try to use it to divide the Spaniards”, the defense of the interests of the countryside, industry, commerce and territory before the European Union, or the impulse of all the capacities productive activities and the resources available in Castilla y León for economic growth and job creation. But in addition, Vox wanted the Government of the Board to commit to “reject the policies promoted by the 2030 Agenda and any ideological impediment to energy and industrial development and also had among the axes the commitment to the rural world and its development opportunities , the guarantee of quality public services, compatible with a reduction in regional taxes, the development of better communications and transport infrastructures for the connectivity of the territory, attention to the “legitimate demands of the provinces, support for families, the birth rate and the fight once morest depopulation, as the center of public policies, the “significant reduction of institutional spending and suppression of superfluous public spending or that does not result in the well-being of citizens” and the “commitment” not to raise their own taxes or create a new one.

Vox’s announcement occurs just 14 hours following the Board of the Cortes of Castilla y Leon is constituted and the president of the regional Parliament is voted, a position that Abascal’s party claimed almost from the outset and that the PP He has resisted giving in. So far, only the PSOE candidate, the Organization Secretary, Ana Sánchez, is known, while Vox and the Popular Party have refused to make the names of their respective candidates public.



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