Rediscovering Forgotten Vegetables: Unveiling the Unexpected Heart Health Perks You Didn’t Know About

2024-09-11 15:16:16

As we all know, a healthy and balanced diet is essential for a healthy body. Eating fruits and some vegetables offers many health benefits, particularly cardiovascular. But which ones should we favor to significantly reduce our blood pressure? In a study published in September in BMC Medecine (source 1)dResearchers have shown that cruciferous vegetables can significantly reduce blood pressure in adults.

Cruciferous vegetables: unloved vegetables

Table of Contents

Cabbage, broccoli, watercress, turnip, rocket… These vegetables, called “cruciferous” are not always unanimous. However, these vegetables, often unloved, are rich in antioxidants (vitamins, minerals, pigments and organic molecules) allowing reduce aging of the body.

Cruciferous vegetables also have a low calorie intake. In other words, they help you stay in shape. Not to mention that they are full of dietary fiber, which ensures the body functions properly.

A study that highlights the importance of their consumption

Study participants were aged 56 to 72 and had a BMI, body mass index, between 21.2 and 35.1 kg/m2. Note that a so-called “normal” BMI is between 18.5 and 25 kg/m2. They have “followed two 2-week dietary interventions separated by a 2-week washout period,” the researchers say in their study report. By having them follow a strict diet For a few weeks, the subjects showed lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Remember that cholesterol is a high risk factor for contracting cardiovascular diseases.

As for triglycerides, they are fat molecules produced in excessive quantities by the liver. An excess which is “harmful to the heart and arteries and ultimately causes strokes or even myocardial infarctions”says dietician and nutritionist Raphaël Gruman, in an article for In addition, carotenoid molecules, nutrients used by the body to promote functions such as visionthe growthbone or even the reproductionshowed relatively different figures between interventions.

#Unloved #Vegetables #Blood #Pressure #Researchers

**PAA Related Questions for the Title: “Crunching on Cruciferous Vegetables: The Key to ⁤Lowering Blood Pressure?”**

Headline: Crunching on Cruciferous Vegetables: The Key to Lowering‍ Blood Pressure?

Meta Description: Discover the secret to reducing blood ⁣pressure with a diet rich in ⁢cruciferous vegetables. Learn how incorporating​ these unloved veggies into your meals‌ can bring significant health benefits.

Image: [Insert relevant image of cruciferous vegetables]


A healthy and balanced diet is the cornerstone of a healthy body. While ⁣fruits and vegetables are essential for overall wellness, some veggies stand out for their ability to combat specific ⁢health concerns. Cruciferous⁢ vegetables,⁣ often overlooked and underappreciated, have​ been found to have a profound impact ⁣on reducing blood pressure⁣ in adults.

The Unloved Heroes

Cruciferous vegetables, including ​cabbage, broccoli, watercress, turnip, and‌ rocket, are rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins, minerals, pigments, and organic molecules. These‌ powerful compounds⁣ help reduce‌ aging in the⁣ body and ‌provide numerous ‌health benefits. Moreover, these veggies are low in calories,⁢ making them‌ an ⁣ideal addition to a weight management diet. They are also rich in dietary fiber, ensuring‌ the‍ body functions ‍properly and supporting healthy digestion.

The Study That ⁣Proves It

A recent study ⁢published in⁢ BMC Medicine [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1]⁢involved ⁣participants aged ‍56 to 72 with a body mass index (BMI) between 21.2 and 35.1 kg/m2. The researchers put the participants on a strict⁣ diet for two weeks, ⁢separated by a two-week washout period. The results showed a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) in middle-aged​ and older adults ⁢with mildly elevated blood pressure.

The Magic Number

So, how‍ many servings ⁣of cruciferous‌ vegetables do you ⁢need to consume to reap the‌ benefits? According to ⁢the study, eating four‍ servings of these veggies per week can lead to a​ significant⁣ reduction in ‍blood pressure ⁤ [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2]. That’s equivalent to having a ‍serving of broccoli or⁤ cabbage four times⁤ a week!


Incorporating cruciferous vegetables into your diet ‍is a simple and ​effective way to reduce blood‍ pressure and promote overall cardiovascular health. With ‌their numerous⁤ health benefits​ and low calorie count, these veggies are an excellent addition to a healthy meal plan. ‍So, go ahead⁤ and give those unloved veggies some love​ – your body ​will thank you!


1]Connolly, E. L.⁢ (2024). Cruciferous vegetables ⁤lower blood pressure in adults with ‍mildly elevated blood pressure ​in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial: the. BMC Medicine, 22(1), 1-9.[[https://bmcmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s12916-024-03577-8[[https://bmcmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s12916-024-03577-8[[https://bmcmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s12916-024-03577-8[[https://bmcmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s12916-024-03577-8[[https://bmcmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s12916-024-03577-8[[https://bmcmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s12916-024-03577-8[[https://bmcmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s12916-024-03577-8[[https://bmcmedicinebiomedcentralcom/articles/101186/s12916-024-03577-8]

2]​ (2024). Eat green‍ vegetable four ‍times a week to slash ‍blood pressure.[[https://wwwexpresscouk/life-style/health/1946097/green-vegetable-reduce-blood-pressure[[https://wwwexpresscouk/life-style/health/1946097/green-vegetable-reduce-blood-pressure[[https://wwwexpresscouk/life-style/health/1946097/green-vegetable-reduce-blood-pressure[[https://wwwexpresscouk/life-style/health/1946097/green-vegetable-reduce-blood-pressure[[https://wwwexpresscouk/life-style/health/1946097/green-vegetable-reduce-blood-pressure[[https://wwwexpresscouk/life-style/health/1946097/green-vegetable-reduce-blood-pressure[[https://wwwexpresscouk/life-style/health/1946097/green-vegetable-reduce-blood-pressure[[https://wwwexpresscouk/life-style/health/1946097/green-vegetable-reduce-blood-pressure]

3]Connolly, E. L. (2024). Cruciferous vegetables lower blood pressure in adults with mildly⁢ elevated blood pressure in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial: the. PubMed.[[https://pubmedncbinlmnihgov/39218859/[[https://pubmedncbinlmnihgov/39218859/[[https://pubmedncbinlmnihgov/39218859/[[https://pubmedncbinlmnihgov/39218859/[[https://pubmedncbinlmnihgov/39218859/[[https://pubmedncbinlmnihgov/39218859/[[https://pubmedncbinlmnihgov/39218859/[[https://pubmedncbinlmnihgov/39218859/]

High blood pressure foods to avoid

Crunching on Cruciferous Vegetables: The Key to Lowering Blood Pressure?

As we all know, a healthy and balanced diet is essential for a healthy body. Eating fruits and some vegetables offers many health benefits, particularly cardiovascular. But which ones should we favor to significantly reduce our blood pressure? In a study published in September, researchers have shown that cruciferous vegetables can significantly reduce blood pressure in adults [1[1].

Cruciferous Vegetables: Unloved Vegetables

Cabbage, broccoli, watercress, turnip, rocket… These vegetables, called “cruciferous” are not always unanimous. However, these vegetables, often unloved, are rich in antioxidants (vitamins, minerals, pigments, and organic molecules) allowing reduce aging of the body. Cruciferous vegetables also have a low calorie intake. In other words, they help you stay in shape. Not to mention that they are full of dietary fiber, which ensures the body functions properly.

A Study that Highlights the Importance of their Consumption

A recent study published in BMC Medecine demonstrated the positive effects of cruciferous vegetables on blood pressure. The study involved participants aged 56 to 72 with a body mass index (BMI) between 21.2 and 35.1 kg/m2. They followed two 2-week dietary interventions separated by a 2-week washout period. By having them follow a strict diet for a few weeks, the subjects showed lower cholesterol and triglycerides. Remember that cholesterol is a high-risk factor for contracting cardiovascular diseases. Consuming 300g of cruciferous vegetables daily for two weeks reduced 24-hour systolic blood pressure by 2.5 mmHg in adults with mild hypertension [2[2].

PAA Related Questions for the Title: “Crunching on Cruciferous Vegetables: The Key to Lowering Blood Pressure?”

Can eating cruciferous vegetables really lower blood pressure?

What are the benefits of incorporating cruciferous vegetables into my diet?

How much of cruciferous vegetables do I need to consume to see a significant reduction in blood pressure?

Are there any other health benefits associated with consuming cruciferous vegetables?

incorporating cruciferous vegetables into your diet can have a significant impact on reducing blood pressure. With their low calorie intake, high dietary fiber content, and antioxidant properties, these often-unloved vegetables are a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet. So, go ahead and crunch on those cruciferous vegetables – your heart (and body) will thank you!


1 – Zap high blood pressure naturally and easily

2 – Cruciferous Veggies Lowered BP in Mild Hypertensives

3 – The VEgetableS for vaScular hEaLth (VESSEL) study protocol



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