REDH: The US Ambassador’s statements are a clear … – FarodiRoma


The Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity declares its full support for the democratic government of President Xiomara Castro, and strongly rejects any destabilizing action by conservative sectors protected by the local oligarchy and the United States government, which seeks to impede the normal development of the process of popular and electoral change underway.

The Honduran right, faced with the impossibility of offering a government project that meets the demands of the people, seeks once again to attack the institutions of the State and, in this way, to subject the Honduran people to the agenda of fear, to undermine governability and to impose the model of oppression of historically powerful and oppressive sectors.

The statements of the US Ambassador to this sister country, Mrs. Laura Dogu, constitute a clear interference in the internal affairs of Honduras, an interference that even involves insulting high-level leaders in an attempt to discredit and weaken them. In this sense, we join the words of Honduran Foreign Minister Enrique Reina when he noted that “the disrespect and interference” of this ambassador are unbearable, constituting a direct threat to sovereignty.

For a Latin America that is a territory of peace, without imperialist interference, the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity will remain attentive to events. The Honduran people will know how to write their own destiny.

Our America, August 29, 2024



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