Redesigning Euro Banknotes for a Modern and Inclusive Europe: Have Your Say!

2023-07-10 16:23:00

It was January 1, 2002. No more Belgian francs, make way for the euro with its seven different values. According to the European Central Bank, more than 29 billion banknotes are in circulation today. And if the visual has not, or at least very little, changed since then, the ECB has decided to get a facelift, just over twenty years later.

The design of this new generation of banknotes, whose circulation would be scheduled for the end of the decade, will focus on modernity, with the aim of appealing to as many Europeans as possible. And young people in particular. To move in this direction, the Central Bank has launched, since Monday and until the end of August, a survey open to all inhabitants of the euro zone so that they give their opinion on the next identity of the tickets. With seven pre-selected abstract and concrete concepts as avenues to explore: birds to represent freedom and inspiration, “European culture”, European values ​​reflected in nature, innovation, hands in aim to embody the European construction, “our Europe, ourselves” and the rivers as a link between the countries. “Twenty years following their initial circulation, it is time to review the appearance of our banknotes, so that Europeans of all ages and backgrounds can feel closer to them”, says Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB. “We want Europeans to recognize themselves in the design of the euro banknotes”, which is why “they will play an active role in the selection of the new theme.”

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When the design change process for banknotes was announced at the end of 2021, some big European names such as Leonardo da Vinci or Simon Veil were mentioned to replace the current arches, bridges and stained glass windows. But if this option has not been approached since, this track is not completely closed since they might be included in the category “European culture” or “values ​​of Europe”.

Once the consultation is over, it will be necessary to wait until next year for the ECB to definitively approve the choice of themes. Then, a competition will be organized for the graphics of these new tickets. The final validation of these does not

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