Redefining Beauty Norms: A Groundbreaking Perspective in Netflix’s “Uglies

Redefining Beauty Norms: A Groundbreaking Perspective in Netflix’s “Uglies

New films about obesity and teenagers who are forced to have surgery




full screen Aubrey Gordon in “Your fat friend”. Photo: Nonstop

CHRONICLE. Important message to the public in two of the weekend’s film premieres:

You have to start accepting and loving yourself.

The beauty ideal gets a slap in the face in the current cinema documentary “Your fat friend” and a sci-fi film for teenagers that premieres on Netflix, “Uglies“.

In the first mentioned film we meet Aubrey GordonAmerican blogger and author whose career took off when she made herself a spokesperson for all fat people via a high-profile letter. The letter, which was initially anonymous, was signed “Your fat friend”. It was an attempt to describe to a significantly thinner friend how it feels to be really fat.

Gordon’s message is that we should embrace the reality of that word, bold. Don’t use a lot of fancy paraphrases. Instead, we must fight to adapt society to different sizes.

Gray everyday life in “Uglies”

The Netflix movie “Uglies” is based on a series of “young adult” books by Scott Westerfeld and is about a future dystopia where all teenagers get plastic surgery when they turn 16.

Before that, they live gray everyday lives, but the groundbreaking, mysterious full-body surgery (called “the surge”) transforms them into shiny “Paradise hotel” contestant-like superhumans who move on to a carefree life of partying among other beautiful people. “Uglies” become “pretties”. Apartheid applies between the tu.

A 15-year-old, Tally (Joey King), gets to know the truth behind this scheme – and thus also gets food for thought about what is true beauty and false ideals.


full screen “Uglies”. Photo: Netflix

It is easy to have objections to both films. “Your fat friend” prefers to focus on Aubrey Gordon as a person, wants to be feelgood and compassionate, and likes to dance past deeper issues, such as the health problems that so many extra kilos bring.

“Uglies” is an obvious attempt by Netflix to create its own “Hunger games” franchise, with uneven effects and half-baked actors.

“Your fat friend” inspires people

But at the same time. Aubrey Gordon has struggled with her self-image throughout her life and her honesty about obesity inspires people all over the world. And Westerfeld’s “Uglies” series has created refreshing discussions about the danger of worshiping only the surface.

At a time when so many teenagers’ tiktok is centered around skin care rituals in “get ready with me” clips, it’s time to give some beauty ideals an earful.

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– What​ messages⁣ about self-acceptance are ⁤conveyed in the film “Your Fat Friend”?

New Films Shine a Light on Obesity and Teenagers Forced to Undergo Surgery

The theme of obesity⁢ and self-acceptance takes center stage in two recent ​film premieres, “Your Fat Friend” and “Uglies”, which tackle the sensitive issue of body image and the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards.

Embracing ‍Self-Acceptance in “Your Fat ​Friend”

In “Your Fat Friend”, American blogger and author Aubrey Gordon shares her ⁤personal ‌struggles with obesity⁢ and her journey ⁢towards self-acceptance. The⁢ film is inspiring and thought-provoking, encouraging viewers ‍to⁢ accept​ and ​love themselves for who they‍ are, rather than‌ trying ⁤to fit into unrealistic ‍beauty ideals. Gordon’s message is clear: it’s time to​ embrace our differences and fight for a society‌ that accepts people of all shapes and sizes.

A Dystopian Future in “Uglies”

“Uglies”, a Netflix original⁤ film based on the popular young adult book series by Scott⁤ Westerfeld, takes a futuristic approach to the issue of body image. In a dystopian society, all ‌teenagers undergo ‌a mandatory surgery at the age of ‍16, transforming them into physically perfect “pretties”. The film follows the story of Tally, a 15-year-old who begins to question the true meaning of beauty​ and the motivations behind this sinister scheme.

Challenging Beauty Ideals

Both films have sparked important ⁤conversations⁤ about the⁣ danger of worshipping⁤ only physical beauty. In⁣ an ⁤era where social media platforms like TikTok‍ are flooded with skin care rituals and beauty tutorials, it’s refreshing to see films ⁢that challenge these ideals and encourage‌ viewers to look beyond the surface.

Overcoming Objections

While some may argue‍ that “Your Fat Friend” glosses over deeper issues such as health problems⁤ associated with obesity, and “Uglies” falls short in its⁤ attempt to create a “Hunger Games”-style franchise, both films have something valuable to‍ offer. Aubrey Gordon’s honesty about her struggles inspires people worldwide, and Westerfeld’s “Uglies” series has sparked necessary discussions about the⁢ dangers of superficiality.


“Your Fat Friend” and “Uglies” are two important films that tackle the complex and sensitive issue of body image. By embracing our differences and encouraging self-acceptance, we can create a society that values people for ⁤who‍ they are, not just how they look. These films are⁢ a step in the right direction, inspiring us to re-evaluate our beauty standards and strive for a more inclusive and accepting world.

Keywords: obesity,​ self-acceptance, body image, beauty ideals, Aubrey Gordon, Your Fat Friend, Uglies, ⁢Scott Westerfeld, Netflix, young adult, dystopian future, physical beauty, self-love, acceptance, inclusivity.

Meta Description: Explore the complex issue of body image and self-acceptance in two recent film premieres, “Your Fat​ Friend” and “Uglies”. Learn how these films challenge beauty ideals​ and encourage viewers to look beyond the surface.

Header Tags:

H1: New Films Shine a Light on Obesity and Teenagers Forced⁢ to Undergo​ Surgery

H2: Embracing Self-Acceptance in “Your ‌Fat Friend”

​H2: A Dystopian Future in “Uglies”

H2: Challenging Beauty Ideals

H2: Overcoming Objections

H2: Conclusion

How do “Your Fat Friend” and “Uglies” challenge traditional beauty standards?

New Films Tackle Obesity and Self-Acceptance: A Breakthrough in Body Positivity

The film industry has recently seen the premiere of two thought-provoking movies that tackle the sensitive and often misunderstood topic of obesity and self-acceptance. “Your Fat Friend” and “Uglies” are two films that take a bold stance in promoting body positivity and challenging the traditional beauty ideals that have long been perpetuated in society.

Gray Everyday Life in “Uglies”

The Netflix movie “Uglies” is based on a series of young adult books by Scott Westerfeld and is set in a dystopian future where all teenagers undergo plastic surgery when they turn 16. The film follows the story of 15-year-old Tally, played by Joey King, as she uncovers the truth behind this scheme and begins to question the true meaning of beauty and self-acceptance.

In this world, “Uglies” become “Pretties” after undergoing the surgery, and are granted access to a carefree life of partying among other beautiful people. The film raises important questions about the beauty standards that are imposed upon us and the lengths to which we will go to conform to them.

“Your Fat Friend” Inspires People

“Your Fat Friend” is a documentary that follows the life of Aubrey Gordon, an American blogger, and author who has made it her mission to promote body positivity and self-acceptance. The film explores Gordon’s personal struggles with obesity and her journey towards self-love and acceptance.

Gordon’s message is simple yet powerful: we should embrace the reality of our bodies and fight to adapt society to different sizes, rather than trying to fit into unrealistic beauty standards. Her honesty and vulnerability have inspired people all over the world to re-evaluate their own relationships with their bodies.

What Messages About Self-Acceptance Are Conveyed in the Film “Your Fat Friend”?

At its core, “Your Fat Friend” is a film about self-acceptance and the importance of loving oneself, regardless of size or shape. The film conveys several important messages about body positivity, including:

The importance of embracing our natural bodies and rejecting unrealistic beauty standards.

The need to promote self-love and self-acceptance, rather than self-criticism and shame.

* The importance of creating a more inclusive and accepting society that values diversity in all its forms.


While both films have their limitations, they are an important step towards promoting body positivity and self-acceptance. By tackling the sensitive topics of obesity and self-acceptance, “Your Fat Friend” and “Uglies” are helping to create a more inclusive and accepting society.

Ultimately, these films remind us



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