Red Bull F1 Leaders “Three Top Teams Are Not Within Budget Limit”[F1-Gate .com]

Helmut Marko, Red Bull F1’s motorsports adviser, says budget caps have become a major issue amid rising global inflation.

“If the budget limit is met, seven teams may miss the last four races of the season,” said Christian Horner, Red Bull Racing’s F1 team representative.

Helmut Marko also supports Christian Horner. “Currently, none of the three top teams are within budget limits,” Helmut Marko told Sport1.

This year, the F1 team is limited to $ 140 million. That’s $ 5 million less than last year, despite inflation and freight spikes due to volatile world conditions.

Some F1 teams, including Red Bull Racing, are calling for an urgent budget cap adjustment to make up for it.

However, the Alpine F1 Team is not included in it.

“The new coronavirus has clearly affected us, but it’s not the case now,” Alpine CEO Laurent Rossi told El Mundo Dportivo.

“Alpine is a little immune so far”

“Luka de Meo has launched a recovery plan to correct many of the mistakes he made in the past. In the past, such a crisis would have made us very difficult.”

But for top teams like Red Bull Racing, where F1’s sole goal is to win, Helmut Marko argues that $ 140 million is at risk of being exhausted soon.

“Transportation costs, like material costs, have risen by 60% in some cases and to a huge extent,” Helmut Marko said.

“Sora is the reality”

“We have already talked regarding certain inflation adjustments. First pandemics, then wars. These are unforeseen events, and their inflation and growth rates are not normal.”

“Once back to normal, you will be able to act normally once more within budget limits.”

Helmut Marko was also asked regarding Scuderia Ferrari’s pursuit of Red Bull Racing in relation to both machine development costs and the talk of fuel temperatures in Barcelona.

“Sure, Ferrari is aiming at us,” Helmut Marko told Blick.

“But there is no problem”

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