Rector Delpino ensures the inviolability and secrecy of the vote #28Jul

During a tour of several municipal training centers, the head of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Juan Carlos Delpino, confirmed that they were functioning correctly, normally and well.

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In order to ensure the training of the members of the polling station who were selected by the electoral body and who will provide service on July 28.

Remembering that this is an additional option for those who do not have connectivity in their homes or offices.

Delpino recapitulated that the electoral campaign is short, but precise, and seeks to communicate messages that lead to informed voting.

“And it requires a cross-cutting axis of guarantees and rights, among which are: freedom of movement, expression and assembly.

This is why he insisted that “it is a right of all, respect for which must be guaranteed by all public authorities.”

constitutional mandate

He referred to the roles of security forces, authorities and other public institutions in the process.

“They must strictly observe the constitutional mandate to be at the service of the State and not of any political party. This rule requires maximum respect during election campaigns to avoid taking advantage.”.

He stressed that all candidates and their supporters must be able to move and assemble freely without fearing for their safety or being subjected to intimidation, coercion, and sanctions not provided for by law.

Preventing the peaceful development of campaign events with arbitrary arrests, obstacles to free movement, reprisals and intimidation that violate the exercise of political rights.

For this reason, we call for maintaining a peaceful climate and equality in the electoral campaign, which is essential for a free and fair election.”.

At the same time that “We urge that excessive actions that have affected merchants, transporters and activists cease, because they disturb the peace we are committed to.”.

He reiterated his call to Venezuelans to participate in the upcoming elections.

‘The process is secure, there is no possibility of inviolability, the vote is secret, as is transparency on the part of the electoral referee.

It is an essential civic act in democracy and that is why citizens must be guaranteed not to suffer undesirable consequences in democracy.”

Rector Juan Carlos Delpino said that any citizen who has any questions should go to the nearest CNE office or check the information on the official website.

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#Rector #Delpino #ensures #inviolability #secrecy #vote #28Jul
2024-07-17 08:06:48



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