The Ministry of the Armed Forces launched this week, a recruitment was launched Tuesday for young Togolese of both sexes on behalf of the Air Force Togolese.
In a press release, the institution indicated that the psychotechnical tests for the selection of aircrew and non-aircrew personnel will be carried out from Monday March 20 to Saturday April 8 in three (03) localities including Lomé, Sokodé and Kara.
“The purpose of these tests is to build up a pool of aircrew (pilot, navigator, weapon system operator, etc.) and non-aircrew personnel (aircraft technician, air firefighter, commando rifleman, etc.) for the recruitment of air force specialists within the Togolese Armed Forces,” the document reads.
The competition concerns students in the Terminales classes, scientific series and Togolese students aged 23 at the most on the date of the competition.
The conditions of application as well as the other details of the competition are available on the website of the Ministry of the Armed Forces by clicking ici.