“Recovered from covids but still coughing” Covids in the lungs or not. How likely is it to spread the infection? Quick check.

range addicted to covid Many people have experienced coughing, sore throats, and tremors. especially chronic cough that many people tend to face endless coughing, chronic cough, even following curing until complete self-quarantine, but still found that following “I’m gone, but I’m still coughing” This condition makes many people who have been infected with the coronavirus worry. and worried that the “I’m gone, but I’m still coughing” Covid in the lungs or not, and will there be other side duties that will affect your life today? Kom Chad Luek Online summarized information regarding the condition “I’m gone, but I’m still coughing” what is the cause and how to treat

“I’m gone, but I’m still coughing” what is the cause

covid 19 or corona virus is a virus that spreads in the respiratory system When the body is infected with crows, it affects both the upper and lower respiratory systems. As a result, the infected person has a cough or is short of breath. during covid For the factors that cause persistent cough, it was found that when the body gets germs, our immune system will try to get rid of the germs out of the body. Coughing is one of the processes in the fight once morest germs in the respiratory tract, so even if the virus in the body is gone, it still As a result, those infected with Ken can have chronic symptoms.

In addition, a chronic cough following contracting COVID is another symptom of Long COVID and found that regarding 19% of people who have been infected with coronavirus tend to have A chronic cough lasts for another 90-180 days because the body takes time to get rid of germs from the body.

“I’m gone, but I’m still coughing” caused by Covid in the lungs or not

following covid-19 Into the internal organs and then it will penetrate into the cells. and increase the number in the cell When covid enters the lungs the lungs will be destroyed unable to exchange oxygen The oxygen level in the blood will drop. by people with lung condition covid There may be other symptoms as well, such as breathlessness, fatigue, tired more easily than before. If such symptoms occur, you must see a doctor to check your lung function as soon as possible.

“I’m gone, but I’m still coughing” Is it still possible to infect others?

Another concern. And causing quite a lot of doubt to the infected people is whether the chronic cough following contracting the coronavirus can infect the people around them or not. However, a chronic cough cannot infect those around you. Because it’s only the remains of covids, coughing caused by long covids can’t infect others. but the remaining cough caused by the body wanting to get rid of all germs

for how to take care of yourself from the condition “I’m gone, but I’m still coughing” can be done as follows

  • drink warm water often Because warm water can relieve throat irritation. Relieve dry throat, moisten the throat and can help dissolve the thick mucus.
  • The use of lozenges and suppositories to relieve cough which contains ingredients that help moisten the throat relieve dry throat Irritation, which causes a cough and can also help drive phlegm
  • avoid smoking due to cigarette smoke and other substances Stimulates throat irritation, causing coughing
  • use a steamer It helps to keep the humidity in the room from becoming too dry. can prevent cough Because the throat and airways are dry.
  • Sleep on your side or sleep on a high pillow.
  • exercise regularly to stimulate the body’s immune system to recover from illness faster
  • Take medication for symptom relief. which has both medicines that help suppress cough to relieve dry cough and phlegm-dissolving drugs

Data source: Sikarin Hospital ,Phyathai Hospital, Health Technology and Policy Assessment Program

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