Recovered from covid but still coughing Is it a test of covid?

Even following cured of COVID-19, the ATK test found no infection, but the cough persists. Many people are worried regarding whether it is dangerous or not.

when stuckcovid 19 Most people have a cough that lasts for a few days. But some people have a chronic cough. Plus, it’s been a long time until the covid is cured. Came home for a while but still had a cough. Which, of course, would be worried that the virus will enter the lungs or not. Or is this just a symptom of Long Covid? More importantly, if you recover from covids but still cough, will you infect others? For all these questions, let’s find answers together.

Recovered from covid and still coughing why

Coronavirus is a pathogen that causes diseases in the respiratory system. Therefore, when the body is exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19, it can cause coughing.

As for the reason why I continue to cough even though I have cured Covid 19, it’s because when my body encounters germs that invade. The immune system will try to fight and eliminate the infection outside the body. Coughing is one way. But the fighting process that causes the tissues in the respiratory tract to swell or become inflamed too. and this inflammation will stay with the body Even though the coronavirus in the body is exhausted or weakened, so many people still have a chronic cough like when they were sick and healing.

And when looking at the statistics of people with COVID-19, a chronic cough is also one of the symptoms of COVID-19, with 19% of people with COVID getting a cough for at least a week, or up to. 180 days following recovery

However, how fast or slow the recovery of various tissues in the body will occur, it depends on the strength of each individual body.

Recovered from covid and still coughing Is there a risk of infection in the lungs?

Some people who have been infected with COVID-19 and have been cured may also develop inflammatory lesions in the lungs. especially those infected with the Delta species. who may find that the lungs are scarred Or other abnormalities occur that cause a chronic cough following recovering from COVID-19

But people with lung infection will also have other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, fatigue, tiredness much easier than before. In the manner that he walked up a few steps, he was so exhausted that he had to stop. Even though I didn’t have any symptoms like this before. If such symptoms occur, you must see a doctor to check your lung function as soon as possible.

And for anyone who is worried that this cough is a lung infection or not. I have to say that if the covid is cured, then there will be no more covid 19 to enter the lungs. Unless you get a new infection and get infected once more. Which must continue to win if the illness is more severe than it used to be Because each person’s body has different immunity and strength.

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Recovered from covid and still coughing Can it spread?

Recovered from covid but still coughing

Who is worried that our cough may be contaminated with COVID-19 and can be a carrier for others? don’t be afraid because if cured No more bacteria in the body or is the remains of non-communicable germs And the cough that is present is caused by the condition of real covids. In this case, it will not be able to infect others at all. This is because a cough is not caused by the presence of a residual virus. It is an effect that the body has previously responded to the virus. and has not yet entered a normal state

how to relieve cough

In fact, Long covid symptoms will disappear on their own when the body has fully recovered. But if the cough is heavy enough, there is a way to relieve cough as follows.

  • Take frequent sips of warm or room temperature water.
  • Sip warm water mixed with honey. To help reduce throat irritation and inflammation in the throat.
  • Avoid cold water and cold items of any kind, such as bingsu, shaved ice, ice cream, as they can stimulate a cough.
  • Moisturize your throat with candy. cough lozenges or throat spray
  • If you have a strong cough can take cough medicine Or take cough medicines that contain herbal ingredients such as gooseberry, gooseberry, which has an expectorant effect, moistening the throat.
  • try to lie on your side or sleep on high pillows
  • exercise regularly to stimulate the immune system for the body to recover from illness faster
  • Get a good night’s sleep

If you have recovered from COVID-19 and still have an annoying cough. Try to find a cure for coughing to help relieve symptoms. And be sure to keep an eye out for any other abnormalities in your body as well. If you feel that your body is not ok when you should hurry to consult a doctor for a quick check-up because in fact, there are many Long Covid symptoms that may affect it.healthin the long term

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