Record power, unexplained origin… this enigmatic light coming from the Sun detected by scientists

2023-08-08 16:01:00

A team of astrophysicists has spotted radiation of an energy intensity never before recorded.

Extraordinary discovery: an international team of astrophysicists has spotted radiation with super-powerful energy from the Sun.

Of the gamma rays whose origin and energy capacity remain unexplained by researchers but which have been detected thanks to data collected over six years by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory installed in Mexico.

“When we first saw it, we were like, ‘We’ve definitely screwed up. The Sun cannot be as brilliant to these energies”, as Mehr Un Nisa, postdoctoral researcher at Michigan State University and co-author of the study published on August 3 in the scientific journal Physical Review Letters.

“The Sun is no longer surprising than we thought,” she said.

record power

The detected power is of a magnitude that approaches the trillion electron voltsSO trillion of electron volts.

For comparison, a nuclear explosion can produce gamma rays up to a few million electron-volts, this light is trillion stronger than a light bulbas reported IFL Science.

no explanation

The origin of this super-brilliant radiation cannot, for the moment, be explained. The team has no no explanation regarding the forces inside the Sun that might produce as many high energy particles.

Moreover, it would probably not be not a rare phenomenon as scientists thought, but which might not be spotted before because of the lack of equipment to be able to do so.

Now, astrophysicists will be able to work to rsolve this new mystery.

No direct danger

The scientists specify in their publication that there is no no need to worry by this discovery. Already from the fact that this is not a new phenomenon and that these rays are harmless.

On the other hand, they might change the deal on the future of solar physics and in particular on the role of the magnetic field of our star.

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