Not just expensive coffee. Also significantly increasing in Italy are the prices of cappuccino, a drink that has always characterized the breakfast of Italians at the bar, also highly requested by foreign tourists who visit our country. The complaint comes today from a survey by Assoutenti that has processed the data published on the special Mimit observatory, comparing the current prices of cappuccino served at the bar in the main Italian cities with those in force in 2021.

The first data that emerges from the survey sees Bolzano at the top of the list of large cities where cappuccino costs the most, with an average price of 2.17 euros and a maximum price that can reach 2.50 euros – Assoutenti analyses. In second place is Palermo with an average of 1.87 euros, in third place is Trieste with 1.80 euros. On the opposite side of the list, the most convenient city in terms of cappuccino prices is Catanzaro, with an average of 1.28 euros and a maximum price of 1.50 euros, followed by Rome (1.32 euros) and Florence (1.41 euros). If we analyse the trend of prices in bars, however, we discover that the heaviest increase compared to three years ago is recorded in Pescara, where the price of cappuccino goes from 1.28 euros in July 2021 to the current 1.64 euros, with an increase of 28.1%. Naples follows with an increase of 27.5% and Bolzano with 24%.

Considering the main Italian cities monitored by Assoutenti, the average price of a cappuccino at the bar today stands at 1.59 euros, compared to an average of 1.39 euros in 2021: this means that in three years, cappuccino has undergone an average increase of 14.1% in our country. “The increases in coffee price lists in public establishments and the increases in the prices of Robusta and Arabica recorded in the last period have also had direct effects on the traditional cappuccino, determining a significant increase in the prices charged to consumers – says president Gabriele Melluso -. Price increases that, at this rate and also considering the trend of coffee, could change the habits of Italians, considering that today 5.5 million Italians have breakfast every day in one of the many bars located throughout our country”.

#record #Tempo
2024-09-01 15:02:11



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