record funding for healthcare –

“Sacrifices” for banks and insurance companies, and for ministries, but “no other taxes”. And for a further check on availability we are waiting for the data on the agreement. The interventions in favor of medium-low incomes have been confirmed, first and foremost the cut in the tax wedge and the three-rate Irpef: measures that have been made structural. For families, the tax exemption for mothers, the new baby bonus and the strengthening of parental leave have been confirmed. The news on the pension front will be “a significant incentive” to stay at work. The Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, with the deputy minister Maurizio Leo, illustrates the cornerstones of the maneuver which will arrive in Parliament on Monday 21 October and will be presented, text in hand, by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. In the meantime, from Brussels where she is for the European Council, she says she is “proud and satisfied”. “We focus on incomes, wages, work, support for businesses, the health of citizens, the family – remarks Meloni -. We do this without increasing taxes for citizens, in a very complex situation”.

It is not excluded that next Monday in the Council of Ministers there could be a new discussion on the budget law. Also to understand what space there will be for Parliament and how the majority will have to behave with the amendments. Then the maneuver will reach the Chamber, with Meloni who will illustrate it in the press conference. Meanwhile, the prime minister denies that there has been a punitive attitude towards banks and insurance companies: “There was certainly a very constructive dialogue. We wanted to be able to have resources that could be redistributed particularly among families, low incomes but we don’t want – he observed – not even giving the signal that the banks are adversaries. That’s why we also did some work together with them. Then they rightly wait to see the final text but there was a collaboration which in my opinion is a very significant message” . Ministers also expect to see the final text. Once again invited to make spending cuts. Three billion are needed, the heads of the ministries have not hidden their concern. In reality, in yesterday’s meeting, it is noted, there was a relaxed atmosphere.

Here is the 2025 Budget. Pensions, salaries, families: all the news

In the next few days we will understand the process of the maneuver because there is a jam of measures between the House and Senate. The tax decree could go to Palazzo Madama but there are several decrees to be converted, furthermore on Monday – according to what we learn – a new decree from the Ministry of the University on university competitions will arrive on the table of the Council of Ministers. The majority parties are pushing to carry forward their warhorses, for example in the Constitutional Affairs Commission at Montecitorio, FI intends to speed up the bill on the separation of careers. In the majority and in the government it is believed that the final approval of the maneuver will therefore arrive on the last available day. With the parties trying to take advantage of a ‘treasure’ (last year it was 400 million) which doesn’t seem to exist at the moment. The opposition’s criticisms are mainly focused on the issue of healthcare: “It has remained one of our priorities for three years – underlined Meloni -. What the Government must do, with the regions, is to understand how the resources can be spent better. However Objectively, these are the resources we have. I would have put in even more, but I can’t do any more – he observed – which is a record amount”. And again: “It is a serious, common sense maneuver, which concentrates the not many resources we have available in what we consider to be the priorities of this nation. And we do it by keeping accounts in order”.

#record #funding #healthcare #Tempo



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