Record-Breaking Results and Winners from the 27th Meeting at La Rinconada Racetrack

2023-07-16 22:31:54

This Sunday, July 16, the twenty-seventh meeting of races was held at the Rinconada racetrack with ten outstanding competitions.

Also read: This is how the results of the races in La Rinconada were 07-16-2023

Likewise, the sealed amount of the 5y6 Nacional reached the record of Bs. 9,433,778 surpassed by the amount bet of the meeting 26 by Bs. 8,815,172.

Also read: Find out regarding the record amount sealed for 5y6 at the 27th meeting of La Rinconada

In addition, a total of 41 tickets matched boxes with six and their dividend was Bs. 126,550.96 while 1,113 tickets matched boxes with five and paid the amount of Bs. 1,271.40.

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The winners in the valid tests of the game of majorities in the Car oval were: El Rayo (First), Spirit King (Second), Axis Mundi (Third), Compadre Caruao (Fourth), Nebula (Fifth) and closed with Tank Abbott (Sixth).

#Tremendous #dividend #paid #box #Sunday #Rinconada



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