Record-Breaking Heat: The Summer of 2024

August 2024 was the warmest August globally and the second warmest for Europe. While the period June-July-August, the Northern Summer, is the hottest both globally and for the European continent. This is what the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on behalf of the European Commission with funding from the EU, reports in its monthly climate bulletin. Most of the reported results are based on the Era5 reanalysis dataset, which uses billions of measurements from satellites, ships, aircraft and weather stations around the world.

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In detail, August 2024 was the warmest August globally (tied with August 2023), with an average temperature of 16.82 °C, 0.71 °C above the 1991-2020 average for August. It was also 1.51 °C above the pre-industrial level and is the 13th month in a 14-month period in which the globally averaged surface air temperature exceeded 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. The globally averaged temperature for the past 12 months (September 2023 – August 2024) is the highest on record for any 12-month period, 0.76 °C above the 1991-2020 average and 1.64 °C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average. These values ​​are identical to those recorded for the two previous 12-month periods, ending in June and July 2024. The year-to-date global mean temperature anomaly (January-August 2024) is 0.70 °C above the 1991-2020 average, which is the highest ever recorded for this period, and 0.23 °C warmer than the same period in 2023. As a result, Copernicus warns, “the average anomaly for the remaining months of this year would need to decrease by at least 0.30 °C for 2024 to not be warmer than 2023. This has never happened in the entire ERA5 dataset, making it increasingly likely that 2024 will be the warmest year on record.”

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In Europe, the average temperature for August 2024 was 1.57 °C above the 1991-2020 average for August, making it the second warmest August on record for Europe after 2022, which was 1.73 °C above average. The global average temperature for the northern summer (June–August) 2024 was the highest on record, at 0.69 °C above the 1991-2020 average for these three months, surpassing the previous record set in June–August 2023 (0.66 °C). For the European continent, the average temperature for the summer (June–August) 2024 was also the highest on record for the season, at 1.54 °C above the 1991-2020 average, surpassing the previous record set in 2022 (1.34 °C). The summer of 2024 was predominantly wetter than average across western and northern Europe. Most of the Mediterranean region and eastern Europe saw drier-than-average conditions throughout the season, in some cases associated with drought. “In the last three months of 2024, the world experienced the warmest June and August on record, the warmest day on record and the warmest northern summer on record. This series of record temperatures is increasing the likelihood of 2024 being the warmest year on record. The temperature extremes seen this summer will only become more intense, with more devastating consequences for people and the planet, unless we take urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Samantha Burgess, Deputy Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

#Summer #hottest #Tempo
2024-09-06 10:37:22
Record-Breaking Heat: August⁤ 2024 Proves to​ be the Warmest Month Globally and Second​ Warmest‌ in Europe

The latest report from the‌ Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)‌ reveals ⁤that August 2024 has set a new record as the‍ warmest August globally, with an average temperature of​ 16.82 °C, 0.71 °C above the 1991-2020 ​average for the month. This extraordinary heat wave also makes August ​2024 the second warmest month in Europe, following⁣ closely behind‍ August 2022.

Global Temperature Anomalies

The globally averaged ⁤temperature for the past 12 months (September 2023 – August 2024) is the highest on record for any 12-month ⁢period, with a staggering 0.76 ‌°C above the 1991-2020⁤ average and 1.64⁢ °C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average. ⁢This trend is consistent with the previous two 12-month ‌periods, ending ⁤in‌ June‍ and July 2024.

The year-to-date global mean temperature anomaly (January-August 2024) is 0.70 °C above the 1991-2020 average, ‌making it the highest ever recorded for this period, and​ 0.23 °C warmer than the same period in 2023. According to Copernicus, “the average anomaly​ for the remaining months of this year would ‌need to decrease by at⁣ least 0.30 °C for 2024 ⁢to not be warmer than 2023.”

European Temperature Anomalies

In Europe, the average temperature for August 2024⁤ was 1.57 °C above the⁣ 1991-2020 average for August, making it ⁣the second warmest August on record⁤ for the continent. The northern summer (June–August) 2024 was also the warmest on record, with an average temperature 1.54 °C above ⁣the



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