Record-breaking Bluefin Tuna Auction in Tokyo: Rs 6.5 Crore Sale at Toyosu Market

2024-01-07 09:44:00

In Japan, a bluefin chura fish was sold at an auction for Rs 6.5 crore. The 238 kg cane fetched a golden price at Tokyo’s largest fish market. Torpedo-shaped, they are the largest canes found in the ocean depths.

This giant juniper was found off the coast of Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan. The Chura will be served at the Michelin Starred Restaurant in Onoderry. This is a sushi restaurant in Ginza district. The price of bluefin tuna, famous for its taste, is also high due to its rarity.

Bluefin are finches that can live up to 40 years. In 2019, Kiyoshi Kimura, known as the Tuna King, acquired Bluefin Chura for 27 crore rupees. This record has yet to be broken. The Rs 6.5 crore that Chura has received now is the highest amount that Chura has received since the Covid era. It is also the fourth-highest amount for bluefin tuna since 1999.

This new year auction is held at Toyosu. This fish market has been functioning here for 90 years. This market was started in 1935. Earlier, this world famous market was functioning at Tsukiji. But it was moved to Toyosu after questions were raised about the site’s earthquake resistance, fire safety and cleanliness.

Tuna was sold for huge amount in tokyo

#Japan #Weight #Ruchiyo #Kem #Cane #sold #crore #rupees #Manorama #News

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