Reconquest of Kidal by the FAMa: A Turning Point in Mali’s War

2023-11-15 09:28:17

« That’s it ! This time it’s the right one. » This cry of relief is that of the Paalga Observer This morning. And for good reason: heavily supported by the paramilitaries of the Wagner group, the soldiers regained control of this rebel stronghold; a first in more than ten years and a real “ Copernican turning point in the long-term oblique war that Mali is waging against its enemies “, welcomes Today in Faso. A victory for Bamako therefore but also, underlines The World Africa« a personal victory for Colonel Assimi Goïta, » « came to power with a sovereignist agenda and a promise to reconquer lost territories. »

Field victory, personal victory but also “ symbolic victory”, continues daily life, in a territory considered the impregnable bastion » Tuareg rebels since the country’s independence in 1960.

Significant military resources

And The Paalga Observer emphasizes that “ the FAMa have not always been able to stand up to the armed groups of the rebellion,” well this time, ” the military situation has clearly changed. » First there is the support of the Russian paramilitaries of the Wagner group; and then the newspapers also unanimously emphasize, likeToday in FasoTHE ” aerial bombardments » who got the better of the elements of the CSP, « slammed » in the former Minusma camp and who favored guerrilla combat, aided by their knowledge of the terrain.

More precisely, we learn in the columns of World AfricaThose are the ” repeated drone bombings […] Turkish made » which made it possible to reverse the situation and avoid the “ fiasco » of the previous attempt at reconquest, in 2014.

What about the rest of the events?

It’s one thing to gain ground, but you still have to maintain it. The whole issue therefore lies in this question formulated by Today in Faso : « And now, what will the FAMa do with this victory? » The newspapers share the same concern, which points out The Paalga Observer : that of an alliance “ with armed terrorist groups ” against ” a common enemy. »

One name, in particular, comes up: that of Iyad ag Ghali, former Tuareg rebel leader, before becoming the highest-ranking al-Qaeda executive in the region. This character could be “ the other beneficiary, less expected, of this reconquest » suspects The World Africa… et The country to recall that he “ always maintained links with the majority of armed groups, mainly Tuareg » and who could therefore “ attract them to him thanks to an alliance of circumstances.

In short, the rebels may have retreated, but it’s a safe bet that the work will still take a long time. In any case, to truly consider itself the winner, the Bamako government will have to win another battle than that of Kidal, concludes Today in Faso : that of “ the appeasement of hearts. »

Elections in Liberia in a rather calm climate

We take the same and start again ! For the second presidential election in a row, the outgoing George Weah and the opponent Joseph Boakai faced each other in the second round. Will the feeling of déjà vu end there? Sera time« will history repeat itself », with a victory for George Weah?

Nothing is certain because the outgoing president faces the disappointment of the youth who brought him to power, “ disillusioned by broken promises, » ; young people who no longer know whether to invoke Saint George who, for seven years, fled their problems » denounces Sera time or « Saint-Joseph, 78 years old, who sets himself up as a ‘savior’ » of a country where unemployment and poverty go hand in hand.

Very close scores in the first round

Barely 7,000 votes apart – difficult to predict which of the two will win. On site, the Liberian Times estimate that ” the winner will be [donc] probably the one that Liberians will find best able to combat several problems, including poverty, corruption and insecurity. » Because the title tells us that nearly three-quarters of Liberians report not having had enough money to feed themselves last year; and that only a third of them felt safe walking alone at night, a rate “ among the lowest in the world. »

Whatever the outcome, Sera time hopes above all for one thing: that “ the figures that will come out of the belly of the ballot boxes will be the true expression of the will of the voters » … so that the calm experienced during the vote remains.

#news #Malian #army #regains #control #Kidal

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