Recommended exercises to eliminate the belly at 50 years old

There is no exercise that causes fat to be lost in a specific area of ​​the body, because it is eliminated in a generalized way. As the years go by, there are things that begin to be more visible and noticeable with the arrival of aging, such as wrinkles or expression lines, belly fat or sagging in certain parts of the body.

The best thing is to try to carry throughout life the healthiest and most balanced eating habits possible., as well as practicing frequent physical activity so that the changes at this stage are not so noticeable and complex to manage.

Strength exercises to reduce visceral fat

The portal of health, beauty and personal care, Know how to live, He consulted the personal trainer and specialist in therapeutic exercise, Víctor Díaz, regarding some exercises that help reduce the fat that is located in the abdomen.

Visceral fat is a type of fatty tissue that is associated with cardio-metabolic diseases. This type of fat increases in women during menopause due, among other factors, to the decrease in estrogen production, ”she explained.

To start exercising, you should stretch and warm up your body, according to specialists in sports training. – Foto: Getty Images

planks on fitball

  • For this exercise, it is pertinent to position yourself in a front plank, resting your forearms on a ball and trying to make circular movements in both directions, maintaining control over the central area of ​​the body.

Dead Bug

  • To continue with this exercise, lie down with your arms extended towards the ceiling and your legs bent at 90 degrees.
  • Trying to keep the lower back on the ground, the opposite arm and leg should be extended.

Press Pallof

  • First, you have to stand and side to an elastic band. Carry out a frontal push of the rubber band from the chest avoiding that the resistance offered by the rubber band ends up rotating the trunk. It is an anti-rotation exercise that tests the stability of the CORE.
  • It can also be executed half kneeling (knight position) or with one leg in front of the other as variants to progress.

Bird Dog

  • This is one of the most traditional exercises to challenge lumbopelvic stability. This activity allows to improve the stability of the spinal column without putting any load on it; In addition, it develops intermuscular coordination and strengthens the central muscles.
  • To do this, you have to stand on all fours trying to maintain stability in the central area. The opposite arm and leg should be extended and raised. It is important to maintain coordination between the movement of the foot and the hand during execution, as if they were part of the same axis. During the exercise, the ground must be pushed with the support hand and check that there are no rotational movements of the trunk.

TRX knee-to-chest plank

  • This exercise requires some prior training, but it is very effective. The TRX is a modality that consists of doing exercises in suspension with special tapes.
  • Place your feet on the stirrups of the TRX to be horizontal to the ground in a front plank with your arms extended. Bring your knees to your chest in a controlled manner and return to the starting position.

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