people decided to endurebefore the winter cold before thatheat your house. almost 1 millioncardiovascular diseasesin 2020, this was in thestart of the pandemic. he was goingtoday is with usdoctor glory of the associationAmerican heart, a lotgrace door with us. thatare heart nurses?to understand a little ace,also refer to illnessescardiovascular.glory: zone that includediseases of the brain, such asperson who has had a strokecerebral, heart hospitalizeddue to heart failurehypertension and other factorsrisk factors such as diabetes andobesity.sharell: what are the causesto the commons?glory: in recent years themost common causes haveparticularly increased theLatino population is thediabetes, many people who don’tthey know they have, 10 millionof people do not know thathave diabetes. thearterial hypertension, whichonly way to find outchecking blood pressurehigh cholesterol levelsedentary lifestyle, obesity, apoor nutrition, lack ofexercise and tobacco.sharel: unfortunately a lotof the diseases that affectto our medical community,count not on the factors ofrisk that can be controlledthere are some we can changeat home?at home and another with his home do more exercise,maintain a good weightstay active, to doexercise does not want agym you can do it at homeany activity whereincrease heart rateand its of account as an exercise.from five minutes it came out likehalf an hour counts asexercise. avoid alcohol,avoid tobacco wear agood diet.sharell: important to go towalk in your community, until