Recognizing and Treating Flu, COVID-19, and Allergies: Expert Advice from Pediatrician Dr. Sirirak Kanchanateeraphong

2024-01-30 08:31:00

Health30 Jan. ’24 15:312024-01-30

Waking up this morning, do you feel bloated, have a headache, aches and pains, a burning nose, or a sore throat? And is today Monday morning too? Have you ever wondered? That we are really sick, sick with politics, or allergies? Educational article by Dr. Sirirak Kanchanateeraphong Pediatrician specializing in allergies and immunology Children’s Health Center, Nawawet Hospital It explains the characteristics of each type of illness, treatment and prevention so that you can observe yourself and those around you. Leads to a correct and appropriate treatment process.

Frequently changing weather conditions, living with pollution such as PM 2.5, and not getting enough rest. Little symptoms in the morning when waking up. It might cause us to panic. Do we just have the flu, COVID-19, or just allergies? In fact, the symptoms are similar to the point of being suspicious. The symptoms of these disease groups It is a symptom of the respiratory system. Symptoms can range from slight to minor. Until severe symptoms can occur

  • The flu is an infectious disease. from respiratory viruses Often found during weather changes in every season.

Mild symptoms In healthy people, it can disappear on its own in 2-5 days. It is transmitted by breathing in droplets, secretions, mucus, saliva, and phlegm of people with symptoms through coughing, sneezing, or direct contact.

Symptoms found include nasal congestion, clear to cloudy mucus, sneezing, coughing with phlegm, sore throat, hoarseness, and possibly a low-grade fever and slight headache. Having the flu comes and goes often, indicating that it is a chronic flu. In addition to affecting the quality of life, studying, working, and sleeping. Having eaten food Sometimes there may be complications of certain diseases that we are not aware of, such as sinusitis and otitis media. lymph node inflammation Enlarged adrenoid gland to bronchial hypersensitivity as well

  • COVID-19 sometimes starts off like the flu. Sometimes there are no symptoms, but accidentally test ATK and find a positive result.

Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, mucus, skin rash, red eyes, and difficulty breathing. P;f I feel tired. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue. In some cases, there is a loss of smell. Inability to taste in those who have

Symptoms are quite severe, such as severe coughing, chest pain, panting, and labored breathing due to possible symptoms of pneumonia. Especially in the elderly or have congenital disease Which is different from children, in the later stages it was found that there were very few symptoms.

or no symptoms at all

  • Air allergies

The most common symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy nose, itchy eyes, which depends on the time of day, early in the morning.

In the evening or before bed, these symptoms Found from small children to adults. and the elderly While it is reported that Found in younger children at the age of 1-2 years, especially those at risk for genetics. and an environment that contains allergens such as dust mites, grass dust, pollen, animal fur, cockroaches, and mold. Exposure to irritants pm 2.5 is one of the important causes. that causes allergy symptoms more quickly Or can cause symptoms to become more severe as well.

which at present the Thai population It has been found that the trend of air allergy symptoms is increasing and affecting the quality of life more and more.

Maintenance and protection

  • The flu can go away on its own within 2-5 days in healthy people. We can use a little medicine. To relieve symptoms, such as paracetamol to reduce fever and pain. Antihistamines to reduce mucus, cough syrups, throat sprays, lozenges for sore throats, mucus-dissolving types, and various vitamins, especially vitamin C. To increase antioxidants and boost immunity while getting enough rest. And drink plenty of clean water, at least 6-8 glasses per day.
  • COVID-19 in groups with severe respiratory symptoms, pneumonia or chronic disease need to receive Antiretroviral therapy combined with supportive care But while the group without symptoms or mild symptoms similar to the flu, found mostly It can disappear on its own within 5 days. Caring for this group of patients is therefore similar to caring for the flu.

Therefore, the best prevention of illness is

  • Wearing a mask correctly Especially in crowded areas or at risk of infection
  • Maintaining appropriate social distancing
  • Eating nutritious foods, drinking clean water, vegetables, fruits, refraining from fermented foods and alcoholic beverages.
  • Wash your hands often and correctly with clean water, soap, or alcohol to wash your hands.
  • Take care of yourself and get enough rest. Brighten your mind and exercise regularly regularly
  • For allergy symptoms Focus on continuous treatment and avoiding allergens

    Treatment should be consulted with an allergy specialist. due to drug treatment There are both forms of taking medicine to relieve symptoms. Take medicine continuously Nasal spray form Aerosol spray medicine Participate in regular nasal washing and

    Currently, there is Imunotherapy, an allergy vaccine. which is effective and controlled Relieve symptoms even more In allergy patients, they should be tested for allergens. That causes symptoms can be done using a skin prick test or a specific IgE blood test to avoid along with treatment. Avoiding irritants such as pollution, incense smoke, cigarette smoke, and PM 2.5 is also important. If in doubt You can ask for details and request advice at Children’s Health Center, Navavej Hospital, Tel. 1507 Line: @navavej

    Source: Nawawet Hospital

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