Recognize cancer by warning signs: If you have these symptoms, you should definitely go to the doctor

Cancer symptoms are diverse: Anyone who discovers certain changes in their body should urgently be examined.

Frankfurt – Krebs doesn’t happen overnight. The disease often develops slowly and is sometimes not even noticed. A few warning signals from the body can indicate cancer, but they don’t have to. If you have these signs, you should have a doctor check you up.

First and foremost, if you notice any changes in your body, don’t panic right away. “In most cases, it is not cancer, but other diseases,” reports the German Cancer Society (DKG) on its website. However, if it is a malignant tissue change, there is a good chance that it can be cured if it is discovered early.

Cancer: Some signals from our body can be early signs of cancer. (icon picture)

© Jan-Peter Kasper/dpa

Observe the body: Some symptoms can indicate cancer

If the cancer is in an early stage, there are usually no symptoms. However, if there is something different regarding your body and if these changes increase or persist, it is advisable to have yourself examined. According to the DKG, the following signs can be the first symptoms of cancer:

  • Palpable swellings, hardening or lumps on the skin, mucous membrane or in soft tissues, often without pain
  • pain of unknown origin
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, groin, or neck
  • prolonged cough; cough that is longstanding and changing; constant urge to cough
  • blood when coughing
  • Persistent hoarseness and difficulty swallowing
  • shortness of breath

    Moles and warts, they change in size, shape and color

  • jaundice
  • Patchy, reddened palms or liver stars (small veins in the skin that expand like spiders)
  • Changed bowel movements/urine, pain or blood in the stool/urine
  • Increased urge to urinate or weak, intermittent flow of urine

    Unusual digestive habits


    Persistent feeling of pressure or fullness, abdominal pain or bloating

    Unusual bleeding or discharge from the mouth, nose, intestines or urethra

    Constant belching and vomiting

    Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss

    pallor and anemia

  • Constant tiredness, exhaustion, drop in performance

    Fever, sweating, dizziness, tachycardia

    New headaches

    visual or hearing impairments


    Persistent itching

    Neurological disorders such as paralysis, speech and coordination disorders

  • Sudden clumsiness

    personality changes

    Wounds that heal badly or not at all

Cancer Symptoms: Signs that may indicate cancer, especially in women

  • Lumps and/or hardening in the breast
  • Warping nipple
  • Bleeding that has nothing to do with the menstrual period, for example during menopause or following sexual intercourse
  • Brownish discharge
  • Those: DKG

The following symptoms can indicate cancer in men

  • Weak or interrupted flow of urine
  • difficulty urinating
  • An enlarged or hardened testicle
  • blood in the semen
  • Those: DKG

A lot has happened in the treatment of cancer in recent years. A new drug raises hopes of a cure. In addition, according to a study, vitamin D and two other measures can reduce the risk of cancer – a few foods, on the other hand, can increase the risk. (Lea-Sophie Mollus)

The information given in this article does not replace a visit to a doctor. Only experts can make the right diagnosis and initiate appropriate therapy. The intake of medication or dietary supplements should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.

List of rubrics: © Jan-Peter Kasper/dpa



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