Recent Shooting Incident in Brussels Raises Concerns: Find out More!

2023-09-25 18:30:00

The Brussels-Capital-Ixelles police zone intervened on Sunday around 1:30 a.m. for a shooting in Ixelles, at the intersection between Chaussée de Wavre and Rue Francart. The information, revealed by Sudinfo, was confirmed by the Brussels public prosecutor’s office on Monday.

Two people were injured, but their vital prognosis is not engaged. “Once there, the police noticed that two victims were on the ground. One of them was hit in the thighs and the other in the right ribs,” explained the prosecutor’s office in Brussels, by press release.

Informed of the facts, the Crown prosecutor ordered the first investigative duties, namely the hearing of witnesses, the viewing of camera images and the intervention of the federal judicial police laboratory and a ballistic expert. . An investigating judge was appointed to investigate the charge of attempted murder and came to the scene in the presence of the deputy prosecutor.

Disturbing use of firearms

The person hit in the thigh was hit by a stray bullet, in a conflict between two gangs linked to drug trafficking. The Brussels public prosecutor’s office confirms the stray bullet wound, but refuses to make any further comments.

In a reaction via press release, the mayor of Ixelles, Christos Doulkeridis (Ecolo), called for “substantially strengthening the means made available to the federal police and the judiciary to fight against drug trafficking and criminality that results from it, which takes our neighborhoods hostage.”

He also asks that the police presence be reinforced in the Matonge district. “The increasingly frequent use of firearms in conflicts directly linked to drug trafficking is completely astonishing and can in no way become generalized,” he lamented.

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As a reminder, a few days ago, a man was killed in Anderlecht, riddled with 17 bullets, in a shooting linked to drug trafficking. Mr. Ben. (with Belga)

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