Recent Cases of Violent Attacks by Djibril and Yacine Result in Lengthy Prison Sentences

2023-11-13 17:45:00

Djibril, 22 years old, and Yacine, 19 years old, face eight years and two years in prison in addition to a previous sentence of two years in prison for having participated in two attacks, one of which almost cost a person’s life! In fact, Djibril stabbed a man violently in the throat. The latter had his carotid artery damaged and his life was only saved by the very rapid intervention of the emergency services.

As if that were not enough, barely six days later, Djibril committed another attack. The facts were, each time, filmed by the video surveillance cameras of the city of Liège. On the night of February 5, a group of people went to the Carré district in Liège to celebrate the signing of an employment contract for one of the protagonists.

Bathing in his blood

One of the girls was bothered by a young man. The group accompanying the young girl asked the person concerned to stop his actions. The latter went to get reinforcements… He returned, accompanied by three people. Djibril and Yacine were part of the gang. A member of the first group received a punch from one of the attackers. They left the scene, but waited for the young man outside. The victim was punched once more. Another member of the first group wanted to intervene. Yacine then punched him four times. Djibril came from behind and stabbed the speaker directly in the throat! The young man’s white sweater quickly found itself stained with blood. While the group of Djibril and Yacine tried to return to the charge, people intervened. The group of attackers fled, leaving the victim bathed in blood. The latter’s days were in danger. The man’s life was only saved by the rapid intervention of emergency services.

He also suffered complications following the events. As if that were not enough, the two protagonists were involved in acts of the same type the following February 11. They beat a man to steal his mobile phone. Djibril once once more used a knife to point it at his neck. The latter suffered a cut with flowing blood, but fortunately less serious than during the first scene. Despite his young age, Yacine is particularly well known to the authorities. He was also prosecuted for having committed the theft of two bank cards. He should also be the subject of a dismissal from the youth judge concerning five violent thefts that he committed in a gang. Me Marie-France Roumans asked the judge not to accept homicidal intent and pleaded for a suspended prison sentence for Djibril. Me Franck Bosquin pleaded for a work sentence for Yacine.

#stab #carotid #artery



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