Receding scalp hair… stages, diagnosis, and treatment options

Male pattern baldness is usually characterized by a receding hairline. It is usually characterized by gradual hair loss in the forehead, temples, and top of the head. The hairline often begins to move backwards from the temples, and sometimes it may recede to form an M. However, the most common cause of a receding hairline is male pattern baldness. It is a genetic condition caused by a combination of hormones and age. It appears most commonly in men between the ages of 30 and 50, but it can also occur in younger men. Other factors that contribute to a receding hairline include stress, poor diet, and certain medications, according to a new report published by onlymyhealth. medical specialist.

Stages of hair recession:

* Early stage

The early stages of a receding hairline are often characterized by thinning hair around the temples and forehead. This is the first sign of a receding hairline and can be difficult to detect without careful examination. It is important to note that this stage can occur at any age, although it is more common in men over the age of 40.

* Intermediate stage

The middle stage of the receding hairline is characterized by a more pronounced receding hairline. This is often marked with the letter (M). At this point the hairline may be more visible, and the hair around the forehead and temples may be noticeably thinner.

* Advanced stage

The advanced stage of receding hairline is often characterized by a significant receding hairline, leaving only a small amount of hair around the temples and forehead. At this stage, the hairline may be so far away that it is difficult to distinguish it from the scalp.
It is important to note that the stages of a receding hairline can vary greatly depending on the individual. Some individuals may experience rapid hairline recession within a short time while others may see a slower, more gradual recession. In addition, some individuals may experience a receding hairline more than others.

Diagnosing a receding hairline:

You should consult a dermatologist to determine the type of hair loss you are experiencing and the cause. Your doctor will need information regarding your personal and family medical history.
A “pull test” is one type of test your doctor may perform. He will gently take a few hairs to see how many hairs fall out and how easily they fall out.
A sample of scalp or hair tissue may be helpful in determining whether a scalp infection is causing hair loss. A biopsy involves your doctor removing a small piece of tissue from the affected area of ​​your body. The lab will also check the tissue sample for evidence of infection or disease. A blood test may also be done to look for problems.

Treatment options:

Various treatments are available to slow the progression of a receding hairline. So your dermatologist may prescribe medications such as minoxidil or finasteride, as well as lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption. Surgical procedures such as hair transplantation may be considered in some cases.
It is also important to note that a receding hairline is a natural process and is not necessarily a sign of health problems. However, you should talk to your doctor if you are concerned regarding hair loss.



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