Rebar Options and Silver Options Are Listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange

The options market was further expanded. Rebar options and silver options were listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange.

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, December 26 (Reporter Chen Yunfu) Rebar options and silver options were listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange on the 26th, becoming options such as Shanghai 50 stock index options and industrial silicon options that came to the market in December. Two types of options were listed, and several new types of options were listed within one month. The “toolbox” for my country’s futures market to serve the real economy has been further enriched.

On the first day of listing, 224 contracts in 4 series of rebar options were listed, and 136 contracts in 3 series of silver options were listed. Both rebar options and silver options adopt the American exercise method, that is, the buyer can submit an application for exercise during the trading hours of any trading day before the expiration date, and the subject matter of the contract is the rebar futures contract and the silver futures contract respectively.

Rebar and silver are important varieties in the steel industry and non-ferrous industry. The iron and steel industry represented by rebar is an important basic industry of the national economy, while silver has both commodity and financial attributes, and is an important raw material for the new energy industry represented by photovoltaic power generation and high-end manufacturing.

Previously, the futures trading of rebar and silver were launched in 2009 and 2012 respectively. Up to now, the two futures products have large market scale, good contract liquidity and reasonable investor structure. Important risk management tool.

With the listing of rebar and silver options, the number of varieties listed on the SHFE has reached 28, including 8 option varieties.

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In recent years, while strengthening the “main business” of futures, SHFE has gradually built up resources for physical enterprises in the field of steel and non-ferrous products through the “two-pronged approach” of options product research and development and the construction of off-exchange platforms. configuration system.

Industry experts believe that the listing of rebar and silver options can cooperate with rebar and silver futures to further improve the risk avoidance system of the domestic steel industry and non-ferrous industry, and improve the efficiency and precision of risk management of Chinese enterprises.

The relevant person in charge of the SHFE stated that 2023 is the beginning of a new round of strategic planning for the SHFE, and the SHFE will continue to focus on serving the real economy, increase efforts to enrich the existing product system, and continuously improve futures Linking energy levels, striving to create a pool of risk management tools that are directly accessible to entities and easy to use, unswervingly build a modern futures market with Chinese characteristics, and contribute futures power to serve the national strategy and build a new development pattern.

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