Reassessing Signorini’s Bid for the Democratic Nomination

Look Brunello

September 4, 2024

The debut with a gaffe is not exactly the best. But of course Andrea Orlando, has had many headaches in these weeks, tension at a thousand. In practice a summer on a roller coaster, the secretary of the Democratic Party on vacation with the phone disconnected, Matteo Renzi instead everywhere to create more problems for him, Giuseppe Conte on the verge of a nervous breakdown, who at a certain point pitted him against a violinist. In short, you can understand Andrea Orlando, a clandestine candidate of the broad field for two months (tonight at the National Unity Festival in Reggio Emilia he should dissolve the reserve).

So evidently still a bit confused by the mess he got himself into, he engaged in a heated controversy with the vice minister of the League Edoardo Rixi. The bone of contention was the political paternity of the nomination of Paolo Emilio Signorini, the president of the port authority, arrested in the investigation that also involved the former governor Giovanni Toti.

Pd-M5s agreement, Orlando will be the candidate in Liguria but the Renzi issue remains

“It’s yours,” said the former Minister of Justice, with the self-assurance of those who are always convinced they are on the right side. The unfortunate man, however, had not looked carefully at the calendar. Signorini had been appointed head of the Port of Genoa in 2016, with Minister Graziano Delrio. When the member of the Northern League points this out to him, Orlando loses his temper: “Rixi forgets to say that the then Minister Delrio made the appointment on the indication of Mayor Bucci, collecting proposals from the territory.”

A distraction can be there, two are definitely too many. The new attack of the “amnesiac” forces the mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci to provide further details: «The deputy minister Edoardo Rixi is absolutely right when he recalls that Signorini was indicated twice by ministers of the Democratic Party: in 2016 Graziano Delrio and in 2020 Paola De Micheli – concluded the mayor -. I hope that the electoral campaign is based on ideas and projects for the future of Liguria and not on fake news that continue to circulate». Moreover, the mayor of the city of the Lanterna in 2016 was also Marco Doria, a member of the Vendola-based Sel.

This is how Orlando can win. Renzi-Schlein pact. And Matteo's enemies are jealous

In short, more than forgetfulness, perhaps a frenzy of “whitewashing”. And many knots still to be untied on the alliance, its borders and its program. Yesterday it was Carlo Calenda’s turn. The leader of Azione listed his doubts: «In Liguria we come from months in which the left has done nothing but use investigations to attack its opponents. For me there are some fundamental points, not using investigations for the electoral campaign and that there is no step backwards on infrastructure», from the book of dreams series. And then the case of Matteo Renzi, who still hasn’t found a solution, 5 stars and Avs want him out. So much so that the leader of Italia Viva is now threatening divorce: «If the line in the center-left is given by the PD with Elly Schlein, we are in and we are decisive. If the line in the center-left is given by the Fatto Quotidiano with Travaglio, we are not in».

#forget #Signorinis #Democratic #nomination #Tempo
2024-09-06 21:19:27

– What were the circumstances surrounding Paolo ⁤Emilio Signorini’s nomination and how is it connected to⁣ Andrea Orlando and⁣ the Democratic Party?

Andrea Orlando’s Gaffe: The Political Paternity⁣ of Paolo Emilio ⁢Signorini’s Nomination

Andrea Orlando, the secretary of the Democratic Party, has⁢ had a rough summer, ‍with tension running high and his phone seemingly ‍disconnected. ‍But his‌ recent gaffe has taken the spotlight, and it’s​ not exactly the⁢ best way‌ to ‌debut as⁢ a candidate. Orlando’s ​heated controversy with Vice Minister of the League Edoardo Rixi centers ‍around⁢ the ‍political paternity of Paolo‌ Emilio Signorini, the president of the port ‍authority, who was arrested in an investigation that also involved former governor Giovanni Toti.

According to Orlando, Signorini’s nomination is a credit to the Democratic Party, but Rixi⁤ quickly corrected him, pointing out that Signorini was appointed head of the Port of‌ Genoa in 2016 by Minister Graziano Delrio ⁤ [[3]]. Orlando retaliated, claiming that Delrio made the appointment on the indication of Mayor Bucci, collecting ‍proposals from the territory. However, this only led to further embarrassment, as‌ Mayor Marco Bucci provided further details, stating that Signorini was indicated twice by ministers of‍ the Democratic Party: in 2016 by Graziano Delrio ‍and in 2020 ​by Paola De Micheli [[2]].

It appears that ​Orlando’s mistake is not just a simple forgetfulness, but rather‍ a frenzy of “whitewashing”. This has⁢ led to many knots still to be untied on the alliance, its borders,⁣ and its program. Carlo Calenda, the leader of Azione, has listed his doubts, emphasizing the need to avoid using investigations for electoral campaigns​ and not taking a step backward on infrastructure ⁣ [[3]].​ The case of Matteo Renzi, who still hasn’t found a solution, remains a contentious issue, with 5 ​stars and Avs wanting​ him out.

In⁢ the midst of this chaos, Paolo Emilio Signorini’s nomination has become a bone of contention, with

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”The Career and Controversies of Andrea Orlando”**:

The Career and Controversies of Andrea Orlando

Andrea Orlando is a prominent Italian politician born on February 8, 1969, in La Spezia [1[1]. He has had a long and varied career in politics, serving as a member of the Italian Parliament, Minister of Justice, and currently, Minister of Labor and Social Policy [2[2].

Orlando’s political career began in 1989 when he became the provincial secretary of the Italian Communist Youth Federation (FGCI) [2[2]. He later became a member of the Italian Parliament, serving in various capacities, including as Minister of Justice from 2013 to 2017 [2[2]. In 2021, he became the Minister of Labor and Social Policy in the Draghi government <a href="”>[3[3].

However, Orlando’s career has not been without controversy. Recently, he was involved in a heated controversy with the vice minister of the League, Edoardo Rixi, over the political paternity of the nomination of Paolo Emilio Signorini, the president of the port authority, arrested in an investigation that also involved the former governor Giovanni Toti. Orlando initially claimed that the nomination was made by the League, but later corrected himself, stating that Signorini was appointed by Minister Graziano Delrio in 2016, on the indication of Mayor Bucci [sourcearticle[sourcearticle].

This controversy highlights Orlando’s tendency to make mistakes and lose his temper, as described by the mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci [sourcearticle[sourcearticle]. Bucci stated that Orlando’s attacks were based on “fake news” and that he hoped the electoral campaign would focus on ideas and projects for the future of Liguria rather than on fake news [sourcearticle[sourcearticle].

Despite these controversies, Orlando remains a significant figure in Italian politics, and his career continues to be marked by both achievements and criticisms. As he moves forward in his role as Minister of Labor and Social Policy, it remains to be seen how he will navigate the complex landscape of Italian politics and address the challenges facing the country.

Keyword Optimization:

Andrea Orlando

Italian politics

Minister of Justice

Minister of Labor and Social Policy


Edoardo Rixi

Paolo Emilio Signorini

Graziano Delrio

Marco Bucci


Italian Parliament


Internal Linking:

Minister of Justice

Minister of Labor and Social Policy

Italian Parliament


External Linking:

Andrea Orlando’s official website or social media profiles

News articles related to the controversy with Edoardo Rixi and Paolo Emilio Signorini

* Government websites or official sources related to Orlando’s roles as Minister of Justice and Minister of Labor and Social Policy



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