Reasons why exercise improves your digestion

It is estimated that between 23 and 45% of the world population suffers from dyspepsiaa term that encompasses any type of annoyance gastrointestinal and digestive. A simple way of prevention is to carry out exercisebecause it improves the digestion.

Stop to to smokereduce the consumption of alcoholdo exercise and lose weight, are measures that contribute to improving your digestionalong with treatments in severe cases, reports the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology.

Delving deeper into the subject of exercisewe present some reasons why practicing it improves your digestion.

1. Strengthens muscles

The cardiovascular exercise strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and stimulates the intestines to properly move food through your digestive systemindicates the Society of Gastroenterology.

2. Fight stress

The stress It is one of the triggers of gastric problems such as inflammationwith the exercise reduce the cortisol and as a result your bowel functionaccording to experts from Mayo Clinic.

3. Create a synergy

To practice yoga helps you create a “bond” between the food you eat and the digestive organs. Bridge push-up poses Janu sirsasana y Sirsasana they help you to correctly eliminate feces from the body, informs the Mexican Institute of Yoga (IMY).

4. Improves appetite control

Because it causes changes hormonalsuch as the secretion of endorphinsYou reduce the risk of overeating. Having plenty of food in the stomach slows down digestionwhich normally lasts 40 hours, points out Michael F. Peakdoctor of Mayo Clinic.

5. Modifies the intestinal flora

The exercise change the flora intestinal to avoid intestinal diseases and damage to digestive health, caused by the imbalance of bacteria good and bad, explain Enrique Dominguezpresident of the Spanish Foundation of the Digestive System (FEAD).

6. Improves metabolism

At age 30 he metabolism becomes slower, so it assimilates more quantity of fat and consequently causes a digestion delayed and a intestinal transit minor. Walking 20 minutes following eating is enough to correct both problems.

have a bad digestion generates a waste of food proteins, diarrheavitamin deficiency and levels of essential fatty acids, reasons why you are in a bad mood, without energy and weary all time.



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