(PLO)- Crushing a cucumber before eating will make a lot of difference.
Usually people cut cucumbers in different shapes to increase the attractiveness of the dish.
However, many people don’t know that crushing a cucumber, which looks rather ugly on the dinner table, has many distinct benefits.
By doing this, the cucumber flavor is greatly enhanced and if used in mannequins and salads, it will help to absorb the taste and increase the deliciousness of the dish many times.
And yet, crushing the cucumber makes the nutrient absorption of this fruit much better. Because a cucumber 300 grams is full of calories, fiber, protein, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, manganese…
Not to mention, cucumber has quite effective antioxidant properties. Cucumber has 2 types of flavonoid and tannin compounds, which are especially effective in blocking harmful free radicals.
When drinking soft drinks will cause a lot of harm to the body
(PLO)- Soft drinks are quite attractive because of their good refreshing properties as well as their sweet taste.
Theo Health