Reality TV Drama: Omar Murillo’s Concern for Isabella Santiago Sparks Bulimia Awareness in La Casa de los Famosos

Reality TV Drama: Omar Murillo’s Concern for Isabella Santiago Sparks Bulimia Awareness in La Casa de los Famosos

2024-03-03 21:33:29

‘La Casa de los Famosos’ is already in its third elimination from the competition, making the alliances become stronger each time, and among the participants themselves they continue to discover each other’s personalities and temperaments, even if that means generating discord or ‘threads’.

Precisely, in this exercise of being able to get to know each other better, during this week the participants had to be handcuffed to another of their companions, which in this specific case was between Omar Murillo and Isabella Santiago, who, being handcuffed, had to go on one side to another because of the test. But in the middle of that, Omar noticed a habit of Isabella’s.

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Omar Murillo became worried regarding Isabella Santiago following seeing her vomit several times

It all happened when Omar had to accompany her to the bathroom and saw her vomit in one of the sinks to which Omar told her “Be very careful with that, be careful with that Isa, that is a danger, you have to seek help because that is not normal.” wanting to vomit (…) I see that you do that as usual”, to which Isabella responded “It just makes me feel better that way.” Likewise, Isabella emphasized that she always did it.

But when Isabella stressed that for her it was something normal, Omar added “It’s not normal, do you know how many people suffer from bulimia? I tell you from love, don’t do that because you’re hurting yourself. You know I love you, if you have to look for help, you will look for it.”

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So due to this meeting between Omar and Isabella, from Publimetro we invite all our readers, to obtain any type of help, the Ministry of Social Protection has the following 24-hour hotlines to receive concerns, requests and crises associated with the psychoactive consumption and other cases that demand immediate attention, such as suicidal ideation, eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia), depression, alcohol consumption, and doubts related to sexual behaviors, among others:

National toll-free line 018000 113 113 and the website:

#Omar #Murillo #worried #Isabella #Santiago #vomit #times

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