2024-08-11 03:08:50

This is a time when the production of rumors and rumors flourishes. Whenever on television or on social networks, so-called indirect information holders throw irrelevant data at anxious viewers about what will happen at a conference, what will appear in a political party, or what will happen in the judicial system. What will come down. From this, the public tends to believe that anyone who can declare what is no longer a secret will have the ability to analyze reality and be considered a true genius.

This situation must be considered in terms of its consequences. The possibility of dealing with social processes on a more complex basis was abandoned. Time could be spent reviewing how tensions in concurrent courses of action influence each other, how historical context defines what is acceptable and what is not, or how one understands the ways in which social structures tend to influence tensions that are always present. You can continue with more examples). However, the current era only has time for the next rumor, and as such, it replaces the social complexity of instant WhatsApp message reading with simple transcendent data under instant conditions.

Sociological derivations become particularly relevant if attention is paid to them. Under these conditions, the dominant position of the subject (that is, individual action) becomes particularly prominent. The analysis of social processes is replaced by possible cases of personal intentions related to what a person would think to do or not do. Reality, literally, is what happens in the office. All this adds up to an interesting result: the urgency of time for new rumors, and the connection of the same rumor to the protagonist of the rumor, because, literally, there is no other time.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

But at the same time, something also plays a role that is necessary to make the whole operation possible. The conditions under which it operates are a clear separation between the inside (where the rumor is generated) and the outside (the side that is annoyed by the message). And rumors especially don’t need to be true, they just need to be encapsulated in something that can’t be fully verified. It’s even a good engine for maintaining belief, since the enemy can systematically assign the worst rumors in order to assume that they will be confirmed, all of which will represent the worst-case scenario, the worst-case scenario of everything.

The rumor is simple. Using them to make meaning requires a simpler sophistication than reading Husserl or Heidegger, and they serve well to protect late actors in politics, such as actors in Kirchnerism, or now from communitarian Libertarians who overconsume the Internet or the Internet. Cristina Kirchner can accuse the concentration of power of nefarious intentions and have it aired on television channels friendly to her ideas, so that journalists can comment on rumors or “confidential” information that embody this power dynamic. Javier Mire can accuse politicians of being thieves and talk about reducing state spending, and then the nearby media replicates it on the air via an angry reporter who can reinforce that idea with some key message. In this chain it is impossible to go any further; only simple actions of the transcendent are considered effective, which reinforce what has been thought previously.

For Alberto Fernandez, this enters a different dynamic. The reality of its excess is disproportionately disturbing and almost impossible to control. While political tensions require the above assumptions, they are never true or lies, but Alberto provides a mechanism that leaves nothing to the imagination on either side. It cannot be assumed that Olivos celebrated his birthday within restrictions set by himself, but in fact it can be seen that the celebration took place through photos in which he himself participated. It’s impossible to assume or understand that he was with someone in love at the Blue House, but you can see that he himself is the “photographer” of his own destruction, because it was Alberto who filmed the scene. It is impossible to imagine him inflicting physical violence on his partner because the photos were circulated to allow reality to weigh in without escaping viable diverse stories.

His path to total solitude should be noted as not only the product of behavior that is intolerable to modern society, but an accumulation of behavior that cannot possibly be subsumed into these hypothetical schemes. His presidency will likely play a similar exhibitionist game to the one he’s playing now, because for everything he says, there’s a video or a tweet reciting the exact opposite. For some time now, he has been the protagonist of his own horror before an ever-watchful public.

From the Nisman case, the Supreme Court or the criticism of Cristina or Sergio Massa, recent contradictions have been exposed, which can only be contained through the protective ceiling decided by Cristina. His candidacy, coordinated by his vices, suspended previous steps through the media, fictionally placing him in imaginary thoughts that obscured those mixed phrases. With it, new, transcendent, updated rumors could be established, in which the idea that he was Christina’s puppet was prominent, since in an apparent intimacy he acted as her victim. It was simply an exercise in causal assignment that entertained the press and audiences for a significant period of time. It should be clear by now that the scene is different.

Society has problems with reality, and Alberto offers too much in his disaster. Enemies of Kirchnerism were quick to place him on an almost institutional journey of political currents rather than as a disturbing, isolated individual case. The surviving Kirchnerism sees it as a personal deviation, an inorganic impulse that does not express its history. While Alberto was left alone, while his objective traces destabilized the known order, the rest immediately initiated the process of the return of the so-called Crusaders. We must understand the reality immediately, because the reality is cruel and there is nothing we can do.

Rumors about the former president will be aplenty this week. Photos from his balcony, WhatsApp messages from his brother, information about his health and even apparent information about his judicial strategy. Precisely everything society needs to move forward while waiting for Alberto’s new film. But at this point, this is more for entertainment than social analysis. Maybe that’s why politics like to include so many artists and journalists in their organizations, because they are a guarantee of distance from reality.





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