“Real Stories from Around the World: The Surprising Reality of Guinness World Records”

2023-04-18 08:14:03

Ivan Gordeev

32 minutes ago

Real stories from around the world

How much do you think people who got on its pages get from the Guinness Book of Records? A thousand dollars? Ten thousand? Or maybe a hundred thousand? The answer is quite possible, you may be surprised!

So, a person who has landed on the page of a world-famous book with records does not receive anything but a certificate that his record is indeed confirmed by the commission of the publication. Moreover, if you want your record to be reviewed quickly, and not in the standard five or six weeks), then you yourself will have to pay extra to the publication. And then your application will be considered within four days.

When I learned this information, I had one single question. Then for what, people do not spare their health? For the sake of a free record that another not quite normal person can beat next year? Am I exaggerating? Take a look at this potential record…

In the American city of Portland (Oregon), there is a woman named Sarah Vaet. She dreams of the thinnest waist in the world. But even now, her waist is an impressive 39.37 centimeters.

Sarah is now forty-six years old, and the secret to her thin waist is not some kind of training, genetics or diet. A woman wears a constricting corset up to twenty hours a day. In order to get on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records, she lacks one single centimeter. Or rather, he is superfluous at her waist, but Sarah is very determined. And she even believes that wearing a corset is only beneficial for her health

#Destroy #health #sake #centimeter #hit #Guinness #Book #Records

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