Real estate market: The 12 most sought-after neighborhoods in Athens to buy a home [πίνακες]

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Overall, in Attica, residential sales increased by 37% in 2023, while the total value of sales increased by 68%. Market professionals estimate that similar percentages will not be recorded this year, as although interest remains strong, the rise in prices will move to more “reasonable”, lower levels.


Of these twelve areas, some are expectedly more expensive, such as Glyfada (5,246 euros/sq.m.), others are close to the average price limit, such as Ampelokipi (2,283 euros/sq.m.), and others are cheaper, such as Kypseli (1,886 euros/sq.m.). Although they have significant differences in their features and the audience they attract, they are all at the top of demand in their price category. It is confirmed that the areas that “gain” interest are those that offer greater security, access to some source of greenery, such as parks and squares, and easy access to the Mass Transportation network.

Larger properties

In Attica, where almost half of Greece’s population is located, it is easy to understand that there are many and different trends in terms of the profile of properties that buyers choose. The prevailing one is that the market is going for the sale of newer, bigger and more expensive properties in all price categories. A typical example is the areas of the southern suburbs, where people are buying bigger and bigger properties, with the latest surveys showing a gradual increase in the surface area of ​​the average house from 75 sq.m. three years ago, in 2021, in almost 80 sq.m. in 2023 and according to the brokers at 84 sq.m. in 2024. The final figures for 2024 will be available in January 2025, but it is already October and the trend is unlikely to change. In the east of Attica, the area of ​​the average property is more than 110 sq.m., with experts explaining that in all areas where land is cheaper, the properties built in the last 10 years were larger from the start. A trend that continues in 2024, when the construction industry has once again put the “machines” in front.

What do they prefer?

With the exception of the center of Athens, the champions of demand are the “three-bedrooms” from 85 to 125 sq.m., with the “studios/studios” coming second, which have the first place of searches in the heart of Athens. Average purchase prices obviously vary from area to area, but even within the same neighborhood prices vary greatly depending on the characteristics of each property. Professionals emphasize that in this order the reasons for preference in the basic characteristics of a property are the surface area, the floor, the area and the age of construction. In terms of special features, energy shielding, the existence of a solar water heater and the availability of parking spaces are the first to be preferred.

Evolution of real estate prices in 12 regions of Attica

Attica Waist gdefeating price 2024 Waist mchange 2023-2024
New Smyrna 3.255 +9,23%
Kallithea 3.000 +5,12%
New World 2.874 +1%
Dove 1.954 +12,99%
Vineyards 2.283 +5,05%
Pagrati 2.872 +9,17%
Cell 1.886 +1,54%
Glyfada 5.246 +11,61%
Old Faliro 3.814 +7,39%
Petersburg 2.486 +12,50%
Maroussi 3.228 +7,40%
Holargos 3.355 +11,30%

Source: Real Estate Listing Sites/

#Real #estate #market #soughtafter #neighborhoods #Athens #buy #home #πίνακες
The code snippet you've provided appears⁤ to be a complex JavaScript ‌code for setting up advertisement slots on ‌a⁤ webpage, likely using Google ⁤Publisher Tag (GPT), Google AdSense, and other ad services. Here's a breakdown of what's ‍happening in‌ the code:

Key Components

  1. Ad Slot Definition:

⁢ - Multiple ad slots are defined using googletag.defineSlot(). Each slot has a unique path, various sizes,‍ and mapping for responsive ⁢display.

⁢- For example, the function googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/', [[310,180],[560,320],[1,1],[300,250]], 'inreadvideo') defines an inreadvideo ad ‍slot with specified sizes.

  1. Size Mapping:

‍ - Size mappings (like inreadSizes,⁤ articleSizes, sidebarSizes, etc.) presumably allow the ‍ad slot to adapt to different screen⁣ sizes ⁢or layouts, catering to both mobile⁣ and desktop⁢ users.

  1. Targeting Parameters:

- Specific targeting attributes are set⁤ for better ad relevance and performance, such​ as pageType, ⁤ category, and articleid.

- These parameters help in serving ads that are more aligned ⁢with the content and ⁣audience.

  1. Ad Management Initialization:

- Several crucial ad management settings like collapsing empty divs, disabling the initial ​load of ads, enabling single request ⁤mode, and ‍centering ads are configured.

  1. Slot Display Logic:

⁤- The function displaySlot() is called for each defined ad slot based on conditions (like !window.isMobile). This determines which ads​ to display based on whether⁢ the user is on a mobile device or not.

  1. Conditional Loading for AdSense:

- A ‌separate logic to conditionally load AdSense ads based on ​device type ensures that the⁤ right format of ads is served to the right audience.

  1. Integration ⁤with Other Services:

- There are commented areas suggesting the implementation of additional ⁣ad services and tracking tools like "Disqus" for comments, "OneSignal" for push notifications,‍ "Phaistos Adman", "Taboola", and‌ "Vidoomy".

  1. Asynchronous Script‌ Loading:

- The code contains functions that, when triggered, will load various scripts asynchronously to ‌improve‍ loading performance. This is crucial for not blocking the main thread⁤ of execution, which is essential for user experience on⁢ the ⁤web.

  1. Potential Dynamic References:

‍- The code ⁤shows indications of potential placeholders for ⁤script sources and configurations to be added dynamically, which would be filled out in a production environment.


This code​ is primarily focused‍ on setting up a dynamic ‍and responsive advertising structure on a website.⁢ It optimizes ‌for both user‍ engagement and ⁣ad effectiveness by leveraging targeted ‍advertising, responsive design, and asynchronous script loading.

If you need more specific information or a deeper dive into a particular segment of the code, ⁤feel free to ‍ask!

Various ad services:

- The code includes logic for integrating with multiple ad services, such as OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for comments, and advanced analytics tools like Microsoft Clarity and Yandex Metrica.

- These integrations help enhance user engagement and track user behavior on the webpage. Each service is initialized with specific configurations tailored to the website's requirements.

Overall Functionality:

The JavaScript code snippet you've provided is designed to manage and display advertisements on a webpage while ensuring that it seamlessly integrates with additional functionalities like user notifications and data analytics. The key objectives of the script include:

  1. Dynamic Ad Loading: Ensure that ads are loaded based on specific conditions (device type, page parameters) to enhance user experience and ad performance.
  2. Responsive Ads: Use size mapping to adapt advertisements to various screen sizes, ensuring that both mobile and desktop users see optimized content.
  3. Targeted Advertising: Include targeting parameters that help advertisers serve relevant ads to users based on their interests and browsing behavior.
  4. Integration with Advertising Services: Manage integrations with several third-party advertisement and notification services to create a cohesive marketing strategy while analyzing user interactions for improved decision-making.

This JavaScript provides a robust framework for handling digital advertising intricacies, maximizing both revenue potential for publishers and tailored experiences for users visiting the site.

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