Real estate brokers manage to overcome difficulties

(PLO)- Real estate brokerage companies accept a one-year loss to keep staff and prepare for a plan to return to sales.

In the context of the gloomy market, poor liquidity, low supply of goods, thousands of real estate companies (real estate) closed, tens of thousands of brokers were forced to quit their jobs. Real capable brokerage firms are still finding ways to overcome difficulties, raising troops to prepare for business plans to return when the market recovers.

Accept the loss of funds, keep the force

Mr. Nguyen Van Hau, General Director of Asian Holding Real Estate Joint Stock Company, said that from the end of 2022 until now, the company’s personnel has decreased by regarding 30%, but mainly quit their jobs to move to new jobs.

“With the remaining employees, the company continues to find new sources of goods and sources of inventory for sales. The market is really stressful, extremely difficult, but there are still transactions and opportunities, so the sales staff are still trying to find investment customers,” said Mr. Hau.

However, according to Mr. Hau, the real estate market will continue to face difficulties and cannot recover quickly when legal problems and capital flows have not been removed. The company has prepared business plans, accepted a loss of six months, even a year to raise the army, well prepared the force so that when the market recovers, there is a new source of goods, ready to sell immediately.

“Currently, the company focuses on consolidating the team, trying to train more professional brokerage capacity. The company is also ready to look for small and medium-sized projects with good prices to conduct M&A, prepare the source of goods for the 2024 plan “- Mr. Hau revealed.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nguyen Duc Dung, director of a real estate trading floor, said that now the floor has changed to rental real estate brokerage because residential and investment real estate transactions have slowed down.

“The number of employees decreased by 70%, now the company tries to maintain to keep potential customers and termites. The company also cooperates with companies that lease offices, factories, etc. to have more activities,” said Mr. Dung.

Dr. Nguyen Van Dinh, Chairman of the Vietnam Real Estate Brokers Association (VARS), said that according to VARS statistics, in the period of 2022, more than 1,200 real estate businesses (enterprises) have to close, many construction sites and projects cease to operate. new businesses appear insignificant. Within a segment, there were regarding 10,000 brokers who had to quit or move to other jobs to earn a living.

Professional brokerage force will contribute a lot to the development of the real estate industry. Illustration: Q.HUY

However, the majority of brokers who give up are usually new employees who have not been with the profession for a long time. Brokerage companies had to close down because they might not grasp, predict events, market trends, and lack financial capacity and business plans.

“Enterprises should not massively lay off employees because when the market recovers, it will be very difficult to rebuild and operate the apparatus. Through this bottleneck period, the brokers that “survive” will be the winners. At the same time, the market will select investment enterprises and brokerage units with effective operating mechanisms, strong financial potential and quick adaptability, thereby developing more sustainably,” Dinh said.

Brokers need to be more professional

VARS President said that during this time, real estate brokers who want to stick with the profession need to add more knowledge and perfect their professional skills.

As for the trading floors and brokerage companies, according to Mr. Dinh, they should take advantage of the time to focus on retraining their staff. This will be a good preparation so that when the market recovers, companies will have a professional, responsible and efficient brokerage staff.

“Brokers need to have a practicing certificate, have professional knowledge to become a professional broker, have a standard culture and professional ethics in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law,” Dinh said.

Do Hoang Duong, a real estate expert, said that in the long run, each broker must have a real estate brokerage practice certificate, the certificate needs to be encrypted and digitized in the form of a practicing card like the law. engineers, auditors… Cardholders will be the final transactions, confirm necessary information to advise customers; The card code used when signing the contract will be the basis for assessing the joint responsibility when the transaction has problems.

“In order to aim at professional real estate brokerage services, contributing to promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the real estate market, there must be sanctions and re-planning of real estate brokerage activities. The State strictly controls with clear and transparent regulations in the issuance of brokerage practice cards and business registration. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection and inspection of brokerage practice, have sanctions, handle stronger violations for brokerage acts without a practicing certificate or violate or deceive customers. goods” – Mr. Duong commented.

According to statistics of the Vietnam Real Estate Brokers Association, although the participating force is very strong with over 300,000 people, there are only regarding 30,000 real estate brokers who are trained and licensed to practice. that is only 1/10 of the statistics, regarding 10%. But that’s just the statistics of real estate brokers at the trading floors, and the fact that spontaneous brokers (also known as storks) cannot be counted.




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