Reagan’s Legacy: A Fresh Perspective on Kamala Harris

– I think this is the best performance I can remember from a democratic presidential candidate, and I remember just about everyone from this millennium, says Eriksen to NTB. He is clearly impressed that Kamala Harris toured the first – and perhaps only – televised debate against Donald Trump.

– It is thoroughly worked out and incredibly well fought. If you look at how the responses and counterattacks are constructed, it is finely honed to irritate the opponent as much as possible, without irritating the viewers, says Eriksen, who refers to himself as an expert on influence.

– And he takes all the hooks.

Top grade for dramaturgy

The screenwriter, who, among other things, has had a podcast where he looked at how Trump used rhetorical devices, gives top marks to Harris in the same field.

– She knows when things have gone down a lot, and then she turns it around. And when things get really bad, she gets serious. That she laughs as much as she does, even though people have warned her against it, is perfectly fine, as long as the laughter is genuine. There is hardly anything more disarming for an opponent, he explains.

– And when she’s laughing and having fun, she goes back to something serious. This is a classic Hollywood trick.

He highlights how she also appeals to large and important groups of voters, before she targets women.

– She goes to pensioners, small businesses and the defense first. I think Ronald Reagan would applaud. I think he could do the same.

– Teflon

About Trump, Eriksen says that the former president is like Teflon and escapes. The influence expert doesn’t think Trump made a good impression, but still doesn’t think it will hurt him very much.

– But he abuses the opportunity to do something so that more women who could come to like him actually do. He misses letting centrists feel they can defend voting for him, he says, calling for some conciliatory words.

– Not much is needed when there are such low expectations for you to come up with something that can be unifying.

– Moves few, but mobilizes

Although Eriksen believes Harris has become significantly better than she was in the nomination debates in 2019–2020 and now appears as a female leadership candidate you can get behind, he is unsure whether she moved many voters.

– It is difficult to say. It is so even and so few voters to move on. But she mobilizes her own. And she probably moves some who now see that this is a mature and qualified politician who takes security policy seriously, he says and points out that she listed all the types of weapons the US has delivered to Ukraine.

– There are small margins, but she is picking up a bit in all areas, says Eriksen.

#Expert #Reagan #applaud #Harris
2024-09-13 05:28:12

What strategies did⁤ Kamala Harris use to outperform Donald Trump in the presidential debate?

Kamala Harris‍ Shines in Presidential Debate ⁢Against ‌Donald Trump: ‍Polls and Experts⁣ Weigh In

In the⁢ highly anticipated presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, Harris emerged​ as ​the clear winner, according to polls and experts. The debate, which was ‌widely watched and closely scrutinized, saw Harris​ deliver a polished and effective performance that left a lasting impression on viewers.

Polls Show Harris Won by a Historically Large Margin

Early polling shows that Harris ‌won the debate by a historically large margin ⁢ [[1]]. A CNN ⁢flash poll also found that a majority of debate watchers believed Harris outperformed Trump [[3]]. These results suggest that Harris’s performance was well-received by a broad audience.

Experts Praise Harris’s​ Dramaturgy and‌ Tactical Approach

Eriksen, an expert ⁣on influence, praised Harris’s performance, saying it was “thoroughly worked out⁣ and incredibly well fought”

. He ‌noted that Harris’s responses and counterattacks were finely honed to irritate Trump​ without irritating viewers. Eriksen also gave Harris top marks for her dramaturgy, saying she knew when to turn things around and when to get ⁤serious. He highlighted⁤ her effective use of laughter, which he described as “perfectly fine” and‍ “disarming” for her opponent.

Harris Effectively ‌Baited Trump’s Insecure White Masculinity

According to an ‍article in The Conversation, Harris effectively baited ‌Trump’s insecure white masculinity, drawing out his insecurities and using them to her advantage [[2]]. This ​tactical approach allowed Harris to gain the upper hand and control the narrative of⁢ the debate.

Trump’s Performance Falls Short

Eriksen described Trump as “Teflon” and escaping, suggesting that‌ while‍ Trump may not have made a​ good impression, it may not hurt him significantly. However, Eriksen also noted that Trump missed an opportunity to appeal to centrists and women, who⁢ could have been won over with conciliatory words.

What This Means for the Election

While it’s ‌difficult ⁢to predict the outcome of the election, Harris’s strong performance in the debate has undoubtedly given her a boost⁤ in momentum. Her ability to effectively bait Trump and control the⁣ narrative of ⁤the debate shows that she is a force to be ‍reckoned with. As Eriksen noted, Harris has become significantly better than​ she was before, and‍ this could translate into mobilizing her base and winning over undecided voters.

Kamala Harris’s impressive performance ⁣in the presidential debate against ⁣Donald Trump has been widely praised by polls and‍ experts. Her tactical approach, effective use⁣ of laughter, and ability to appeal⁢ to​ key demographics make her a strong contender⁣ in the election.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title “Kamala Harris Shines in Presidential Debate Against Donald Trump: A Comprehensive Analysis”:

Kamala Harris Shines in Presidential Debate Against Donald Trump: A Comprehensive Analysis

The latest presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the political sphere, with many pundits and experts hailing Harris’s performance as one of the best they’ve seen from a Democratic presidential candidate in recent memory.

According to Eriksen, an expert on influence and screenwriter, Harris’s debate strategy was “thoroughly worked out and incredibly well fought” [[1]]. He praised her ability to construct responses and counterattacks that were designed to irritate her opponent without alienating viewers. Harris’s performance was so impressive that Eriksen gave her top marks for dramaturgy, a term used to describe the art of creating a compelling narrative.

Top Grade for Dramaturgy

Eriksen, who has analyzed Trump’s use of rhetorical devices in the past, believes that Harris has mastered the art of using humor to disarm her opponent. He notes that she knows when to turn things around and when to get serious, making her laughter and tone perfectly calibrated to appeal to voters [[1]]. This ability to walk the fine line between humor and gravitas is a classic Hollywood trick, one that Harris has seemingly perfected.

Appealing to Key Voter Groups

Harris’s strategy also involved appealing to large and important groups of voters, such as pensioners, small businesses, and the defense community. Eriksen believes that this approach would have earned her a nod of approval from Ronald Reagan himself, who was known for his ability to connect with a wide range of voters [[1]].

Teflon Trump

While Harris shone in the debate, Trump’s performance was more lackluster. Eriksen likened Trump to Teflon, noting that he has a remarkable ability to escape scrutiny and criticism [[1]]. However, Eriksen also believes that Trump missed an opportunity to reach out to centrists and women who might have been open to voting for him.

Moves Few, but Mobilizes

Despite her impressive performance, Eriksen is unsure whether Harris actually moved many voters. He notes that the race is so even and that there are few voters left to persuade. However, he does believe that Harris mobilized her own base and likely won over some voters who see her as a mature and qualified politician who takes security policy seriously [[1]].

Post-Debate Boost

The debate has given Harris a much-needed boost, with her campaign surging in the final weeks of the race. According to a recent article in The New York Times, Harris’s strong debate performance has sent her campaign surging with newfound momentum [[2]]. Meanwhile, a video highlighting key moments from the debate has racked up views on Le Monde’s website [[3]].


Kamala Harris’s performance in the presidential debate against Donald Trump was a masterclass in political strategy and rhetoric. Her ability to use humor, appeal to key voter groups, and mobilize her base has earned her widespread praise and admiration. While Trump’s Teflon-like ability to escape criticism may have helped him avoid damage, Harris’s impressive performance has given her campaign a much-needed boost in the final stretch of the race.


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