2023-04-30 14:59:14
Frame and start.
A few days ago, a book was published that is now receiving a large and increasing amount of attention from elites and readers.
I was fortunate to have obtained a copy of it some time earlier. Through it, I used to imagine myself in an uninterrupted, realistic dialogue: always with myself and the book, sometimes with its author, and at other times with the publisher. Thus, as soon as I read its first pages, it made me take the initiative to contact its author, with whom I have strong personal knowledge and ties. I enthusiastically told her regarding my initial impressions and my feelings regarding her intellectual “product.” So she remained silent..she did not reply to me except for a little bit..she was very economical in her words, expressing to me very politely her unwillingness to speak, as if I had disturbed her when I told her regarding herself or her work.
I, too, had a somewhat bitter taste of disappointment. I was expecting more “courtesy” and explanations… and “warm thanks” from her than I received, noticing that her reticence deviated from what I had learned from other writers who are so fond of self-talk to the point of narcissism. Despite my insistence, I understood that I would not succeed in “talking” to her more than that: the woman’s humility and modesty affected her more than my insistence, even if I was older than her father.. even if I had kinship ties with her. On the contrary: I found that I had to check with myself and my curiosity – naive at times – which was often not justified. I left the topic and devoted myself to my other concerns and my reading.
Two weeks or so later, my phone rings: on the other end of the line a man invites me to a book signing, and my interlocutor insists that I come up with a word of comment regarding the book. Then he provided me with the basic information: the title of the book – the name of the author – the place and date of the ceremony. Then he told me he was from the organization behind the publication: Sociology Lab Publications, and offered me a copy of the book if I needed it. I replied that it was not necessary, then thanked him and promised him to accept the invitation.
And as soon as our conversation ended, I rushed to contact the author by phone, saying:
” dearYou will now speak at length regarding yourself and your work in front of people. Sharpen your resolve, and spare no effort to overcome shyness… I recommend that your extreme shyness not lead you into confusion.“.
She replied to me briefly, with courage and insight that indicate that she is trustworthy:
” I am talking regarding myself! no. Because it does not concern anyone but me. As for my book, yes: I will present it to those present, and to the readers behind them, hoping that God Almighty will guide me to what I want without prejudice to my behavior. “.
Forget regarding my previous “disappointment” when she said it, especially when I later noticed that she had fulfilled what I imagined and promised during this mock dialogue. While I remained busy .. and sometimes lost .. in my dealings with the subject on the ground.
My fear…then my decision.
As soon as I received the invitation to attend the party, doubt began to brew in me and questions crowded in my mind: Should I talk regarding the book and how should that be? If I refuse, how can I justify my silence? And if I accept, what should I say? Noting that being a huge fan of the writer does not help me to delve objectively into her works. In addition, I am neither a university nor a researcher specializing in the subject.
My fear was fully justified, but I did. to say what? I did not bother to search for an answer that was supposed to take on an “academic” character, as is customary in this type of event. Instead, I thought to myself: I will simply tell them regarding what I experienced with this bookThat is, regarding my story with his reading, which came in two stages:
• Reading for myself for the sake of enjoyment alone
• A reading behind which I wanted to participate in the discussion regarding the book
It would be preferable if the two readings met in the conclusion and the conclusions that I will come out with.
Reading it I enjoyed.
I had read the book, as I said, before I received the invitation to the party. I did not tire of re-reading it several times. The first was out of curiosity.. I thought it would be fleeting.. without prior enthusiasm.. and no depth would follow. Then my curiosity quickly turned into a delicious pleasure that prompted me to read aloud to listen and enjoy. I tasted this book: sounds… and resonance… and music… For me, it is: an audible melody.. whose tones must be performed without concealment.. This is how my feeling became every time: I sense the names of sounds and movements that resonate in my conscience through their speaking morphology through their vocal harmony With what it suggests and what it means. She used to travel with me.. far.. far.. roaming the depths of my country, exploring and searching for the civilizational and cultural originalities in these parts of the desert.
As for the basic functional structure, I was amazed – whenever I opened a page – at the author’s choice, soliloquying myself in front of her ability to surprise me as a reader. I found myself addressing her in astonishment: “This is the Bed,” highlighting the intellectual and literary privacy that I have in my hands. Because “bad” in Hassaniya means departure from the ordinary.. and it may carry a positive or negative “moral charge”, i.e. rejected or acceptable.. depending on the circumstances of its use according to the prevailing standards.
And “al-bad” here is perfectly acceptable: the writer, by choosing a subject, “Names of sounds and movements in Hassaniya, between originality and rootingIndeed, she excelled.. as she refused to walk on the paved paths. She confirms to us once once more that what is known to the peasants in our country as “the cow’s command”… that is, the slow or the approach that was drawn long ago, is not suitable for her overflowing imagination. This is what made me find in the book a pleasure and an enthusiastic impetus for my soul and mind.. who are fed up with.. the prevailing routine and monotony.. that have led to an early death of imagination among many of our young thinkers and elites.. under the control of imitation and imitation.
A problem haunts my mind: compound knowledge…
After the impressions and feelings of overwhelming satisfaction that I had from the first stage, I reviewed the book once more, hoping to extract from it scientific or literary material useful for its discussion.
My previous observations were confirmed once more, but I tried hard not to confine myself to them.. but I remained helpless.. vacillating.. I don’t know where to enter into the depths of this booklet, which hardly exceeds 120 pages of pocket size… so the subject seemed more complicated to me. From what can be measured by the amount of printed papers, and from what I imagined at first: I am facing a complex issue that is not limited to artistic pleasure only, but is concerned with human knowledge .. multiple and interrelated. I found myself immersed in the labyrinths of complex intellectual issues (la complexité de la pensée) as I knew it in some of the literature of the pioneer of philosophy in the era of globalization: the French philosopher and anthropologist. Edgar Moran (Edgar Morin). I was really sure that I was facing a complex epistemological problem, new to me, raised by the author.
When Elijah Abu Mada enters the line...
I noticed from my reflections that the topic had not been touched before. As for now, here it is presented.. detailed.. analysed.. multiple fields and various sources that put me once once more in doubt regarding my affairs; Here are the questions attracting me.. and hesitation once more.. and I am incapable of any definitive answer.. sure: I wallow in the incantations of doubt.. like the writers of the Diaspora… I question my readings insistently and in detail without getting an answer.. and I imagine Elia Abu Madi He enters the line with me and shares my problem, as if he is repeating my questions with me, expressing my admiration and surprise in front of the depth and diversity of the issues raised by the writer, and in front of the intensity of their interdependence:
Where is the crossing point for studying this booklet? I do not know.
Is it the interesting, sedate style that flows from the poet’s pen? I do not know.
Are the sociological and anthropological concepts that we learned when deciphering the sounds and movements contained in the Hassani dialect and their relations to the social heritage? I do not know.
Is it the “Al-Bizhan” society.. and its development.. its history.. and its mythical and religious sources on which it feeds… and which the author sculpted through the phonetic and kinetic terms that were presented.. and explained.. and explained? I do not know.
Are they linguistic and linguistic data and their relationships to each other… How does the signifier relate to the signified phonetically or kinetically? I do not know.
Is it the accuracy of the rooting of the names of sounds and movements in Hassaniyyah through the beautiful poetic stanzas – whether in Hassaniyya or in classical Arabic – of distinguished writers belonging to this country, cited by the researcher. And where to use it?.. I don’t know.
Are they the wonderful examples of our ancient and modern literary heritage that the writer mentioned on the occasion of the processes of rooting through poetry .. and the strength of the links between them and the concepts that the researcher wanted to explain in each case? I do not know.
How did this young woman notice poetry and vocal music expressing multiple meanings.. that can be reduced to one word of sensuality? I do not know.
What is the secret of this peculiarity in the fact that the phonetic tone of a word belonging to the desert Bedouin dialect suggests the signified..and is widely circulated among people..while suggesting the meaning through the sound is considered a rare poetic style that is difficult to obtain in other languages that are described as “urban”, for example: (l’alliteration) in French literature..? I do not know.
Many questions .. I did not and will not succeed in limiting them. Despite the small size of this booklet, it is encyclopedic in terms of the richness of the material.. and exemplary in terms of style and approach.
Local admiration, criticism and analysis of others…
Because of its depth and abundance, when I reviewed myself… I noticed that my modest experience does not give me the competence to delve into its secrets and depths… nor the courage to decipher its symbols. Once once more, I realized that my reading of it would not go beyond the level that makes me curious as a “consumer reader” and “biased” as a “fan” of the writer with whom we are celebrating her third edition today. The other was authentic and interesting.
This is my effort.. leaving to the masters of collectors.. researchers.. and writers.. the merit and eligibility of criticism.. analysis.. and suggestion…”Everyone is a facilitator of what he was created for,” as stated in an honorable prophetic hadith: They are people who facilitate academic research and its methodology. While I am, God is pleased with me this time for the role of the reader who admires what he has read.
I will conclude by thanking you and congratulating you.
This was my story with reading this rare book of its kind.
Thank you, gentlemen of the organizers and invitees, for your support in issuing it, and for inviting me on this occasion.
As for you, oh dearI will tell you:
You drew a path that I cherish… You chose: So I created.. And I collected: So I checked and enriched.. And I analyzed: So I arranged and got it right.. And I wrote: So I did well.. Then I took out: So I enjoyed and was satisfied.
And now you have issued: The path is completed…
May God bless you.
From all of us you deserve: support.. thanks.. and honor.
Congratulations and thank you.
Nouakchott, April 30, 2014
Al-Bukhari Muhammed Ma’mal
* This text was presented by its author in the form of an oral intervention on the occasion of presenting the aforementioned book during a ceremony organized by the Egyptian Cultural Center at its headquarters in Nouakchott. And that was on a date April 30, 2014
#Reading #Voices #Movements #Hadara #Story #Youth #Creativity..