Thousands of homosexual people in Germany, Austria and the occupied territories also fell victim to the National Socialists. In his book “Franz. Schwul unterm Hakenkreuz” Jürgen Pettinger deals with one of them: Franz Doms. Next Wednesday, March 22nd, the ORF moderator and journalist will read from his work from 7.30 p.m. at “Experiment Literature” in the Wels slaughterhouse in cooperation with Antifa Wels and the Wels initiative once morest fascism.
During the National Socialist period in Vienna, Franz Doms was arrested several times for homosexual acts, discriminated once morest and finally sentenced to death. The indictment states: “He is a completely unsteady criminal, powerless once morest his unnatural instincts, for whom imprisonment can no longer be expected to have any educational or deterrent effect.” Doms was executed in Vienna in 1944 at the age of 21.
After the reading, Dominika Meindl and Werner Retzl talk to the author regarding his work on the history of the persecution of homosexuals in Austria, and the audience can ask questions. Admission is five euros.
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