Reactions following the ruling by the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ that certified the results announced by the CNE

  • Several heads of state and international organizations have spoken out about the expert opinion procedure carried out by the Supreme Court.

After the Confirmation by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of the election results of July 28 announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE), which gave victory to Nicolás Maduro, leaders of several countries and international organizations expressed their discontent with the procedure, which they described as “fraud.”

The ruling, with which the Supreme Court concluded in an “unequivocal and unrestricted” manner the review of the elections, came 22 days after Maduro himself requested this process through an appeal for protection that was never heard.

Chilean President Gabriel Boric said the TSJ ruling “finally consolidates the fraud” in the July 28 elections.

Today the Venezuelan Supreme Court has finished consolidating the fraud. The Maduro regime obviously welcomes with enthusiasm its sentence, which will be marked by infamy. There is no doubt that we are facing a dictatorship that falsifies elections, represses those who think differently and is indifferent to the largest exile in the world, comparable only to that of Syria as a result of a war,” Boric said through the social network X.

Boric stressed that his government does not recognize the “false victory” of Nicolás Maduro and that he is sure that due to their stance they will receive “insults from the authorities” of the Venezuelan government.

“They do not know that, as Huidobro said, ‘an adjective that does not give life, kills’, and they have murdered the word democracy,” he stressed.

Other pronouncements

Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou said that “the Nicolás Maduro regime confirms what the international community has been denouncing: fraud.”

Through his X account, he asserted that it is “a dictatorship” that closes all doors to “an institutional and democratic life for its people.”

The foreign minister of that country, Omar Paganini, assured the EFE news agency that the TSJ ruling is “in no way” a credible statement.

This indicates that once again the regime is dedicated to ignoring all calls from the international community to verify the data in the records to demonstrate with detailed information what is being claimed,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

He said that what was seen was “quite the opposite” with an organization, which is not constitutionally competent to intervene in this episode, “which proclaims Maduro’s victory without any solid explanations in this regard.”

Former Bolivian President Tuto Quiroga also commented on the statements made by the president of the Supreme Court, Caryslia Rodríguez, and said that it is time for international sanctions to be implemented to “save democracy.”

“A coup by the togas against popular sovereignty in Venezuela. The struggle is between records against weapons, votes against boots, democracy against autocracy, people against coup plotters disguised as judges. The time has come for international sanctions to save that democracy,” he said through his account on X.

Former Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos described the TSJ ruling as “a farce.” “The ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela is a farce. Colombia cannot and should not endorse it,” Santos wrote on his X account.

Lack of independence and impartiality of the TSJ and the CNE

Prior to the statements of the TSJ, the UN Fact-Finding Mission for Venezuela, dedicated to the investigation of human rights in the country, He denounced the “lack of impartiality” and independence of that body and the CNE.

The agency said both institutions have played a role “within the repressive machinery of the State.”

“The government exerts undue interference in decisions of the TSJ through direct messages to judges and public statements by President Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello,” said Marta Valiñas, president of the mission.

Francisco Cox Vial, a member of the mission, recalled that in 2022 the National Assembly (AN) modified the membership of the Judicial Nominations Committee, “to be controlled by the same Assembly, with a government majority,” and elected the current 20 magistrates of the TSJ.

He also mentioned that the current president of the TSJ and the Electoral Chamber, Caryslia Beatriz Rodríguez, is a member of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and has held elected positions.

Photo: EFE

Position of the opposition

The standard-bearer of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), Edmundo González, rejected the ruling of the TSJ which certified the result announced by the CNE of the elections of July 28.

“Sovereignty resides untransferably in the people. The organs of the State emanate from popular sovereignty and are subject to it. They will not usurp the truth,” said González on his X account, who is considered the winner of the elections by the PUD and recognized by various national and international organizations.

Previously, the opposition candidate told the TSJ that “no ruling will replace popular sovereignty” and that his “bias” as well as his “inability to resolve the conflict” are public knowledge.

“Their decision will only aggravate the crisis. We Venezuelans are not willing to give up our freedom or our right to change in peace in order to live better,” he stressed.

Venezuelan opposition leader Antonio Ledezma also considered the TSJ ruling to be “an act of absolute nullity.”

In statements sent to EFE, he said that the TSJ is Maduro’s “tailor’s shop,” where “he orders rulings to be made at his whim.” “It is well known that the voting, counting, totaling and proclamation processes are events that correspond exclusively to the electoral power,” argued Ledezma, exiled in Spain.

“They are trying to give a legal facade to the farce that the cheater (Elvis) Amoroso announced on July 28. Not only that, but they are also dictating a so-called “contempt” to Edmundo Gonzalez for not legitimizing this parody of legality,” added the opposition member Juan Pablo Guanipa.

#Reactions #ruling #Electoral #Chamber #TSJ #certified #results #announced #CNE
2024-08-23 06:11:15



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