RCI: towards the standardization of veterinary laboratories | APAnews

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is supporting this initiative through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD).

The project aims to enhance the veterinary laboratories of the National Laboratory for Supporting Agricultural Development (LANADA) located in Bingerville, Bouaké, and Korhogo, with funding from USAID.

LANADA has received funding from the World Bank to renovate its laboratories, aiming to improve the quality of services in diagnosing animal diseases, ensuring food quality control, and addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The laboratories involved include the Central Veterinary Laboratory of Bingerville (LCVB), the Central Laboratory for Food Hygiene and Agro-Industry (LCHAI), and the Central Laboratory for Agrochemistry and Ecotoxicology (LCAE) of LANADA.

This renovation will enable these laboratories to meet the required biosafety standards, allowing them to effectively contribute to the fight against animal diseases, including zoonoses, AMR, and food quality control.

In this context, LANADA’s management sought and received technical assistance from FAO, through ECTAD, involving laboratory experts to evaluate the ongoing renovations and assess the operational status of the regional laboratories in Korhogo and Bouaké.

As a result, a mission was organized from August 13 to 23, 2024, to Korhogo (North), Bouaké, the central metropolis of Ivory Coast, Bingerville (East of Abidjan), and Treichville in the South of Abidjan.

Mamadou Niang, an international laboratory expert from the FAO/ECTAD Regional Office for West and Central Africa based in Accra and leader of the FAO expert team, stated that the mission was intended to assess the ongoing renovation work at LANADA.

The mission of these experts also aimed to identify weaknesses and propose improvements to make these laboratories operational according to necessary biosafety, biosecurity, and quality standards.

In animal health, laboratories play a crucial role, hence the importance of upgrading facilities and services to standard. Therefore, at the end of this mission, recommendations were made,” he observed.

Dr. Amatcha-Lepry, Director of LANADA, expressed appreciation for this technical assistance, stating that “We have requested FAO’s expertise to help enhance our activities in the field, particularly regarding animal health and food quality control.

FAO supports us significantly through equipment, training, and networking of laboratories,” emphasized Dr. Amatcha-Lepry, who also acknowledged the financial support from USAID.

With this equipment and reagents, for instance, we have improved analysis performance at the laboratory level, particularly in Korhogo, where teams now conduct serology tests, and in the near future, this laboratory may diagnose avian flu and rabies,” she added.

The upgrading of LANADA’s veterinary laboratories strengthens the efforts of the Ivorian government in its policy to combat and prevent zoonoses, especially at the decentralized level.



<h1>Strengthening Animal Health in Ivory Coast: LANADA's Laboratory Renovation Initiative</h1>

<p><strong>The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is supporting this initiative through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD).</strong></p>

<h2>The Objective of the Initiative</h2>
<p>The project seeks to enhance the veterinary laboratories of the National Laboratory for Supporting Agricultural Development (LANADA) located in Bingerville, Bouaké, and Korhogo. This critical initiative receives support from USAID, funded by the World Bank, aimed at improving the quality of services in diagnosing animal diseases, ensuring food quality control, and combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR).</p>

<h2>Key Laboratories Involved</h2>
    <li><strong>Central Veterinary Laboratory of Bingerville (LCVB)</strong></li>
    <li><strong>Central Laboratory for Food Hygiene and Agro-Industry (LCHAI)</strong></li>
    <li><strong>Central Laboratory for Agrochemistry and Ecotoxicology (LCAE)</strong></li>

<p>These laboratories, which are critical for public health and safety, are currently undergoing renovations to meet required biosafety standards essential for managing various health threats, including zoonoses, AMR, and food quality control.</p>

<h2>Collaboration with FAO and Technical Assistance</h2>
<p>In the spirit of collaboration, LANADA sought and acquired technical assistance from FAO, through ECTAD, to assess ongoing renovations and evaluate the operational capabilities of the regional laboratories in Korhogo and Bouaké. A comprehensive mission took place from August 13 to 23, 2024, covering various locations including:</p>

    <li>Bingerville (East of Abidjan)</li>
    <li>Bouaké (Metropolis of central Ivory Coast)</li>
    <li>Korghogo (North)</li>
    <li>Treichville (South of Abidjan)</li>

<h2>Expert Evaluation and Recommendations</h2>
<p>Mamadou Niang, an international laboratory expert from the FAO/ECTAD Regional Office for West and Central Africa, led the assessment mission aimed at reviewing renovation work and identifying weaknesses within the operations. His observations emphasized the essential role laboratories play in animal health.</p>

<p>“In animal health, laboratories are vital, hence the importance of bringing buildings and services up to standard," said Niang. "Thus, at the end of this mission, recommendations were made.”</p>

<h2>LANADA's Response</h2>
<p>Dr. Amatcha-Lepry, Director of LANADA, articulated appreciation for the technical assistance received. “We have requested FAO's expertise to enable us to improve our activities in the field, particularly in animal health and food quality control,” she stated.</p>

<p>The collaboration with FAO brings significant benefits, such as:</p>
    <li>Provision of equipment and training</li>
    <li>Networking opportunities for laboratories</li>

<p>“With this equipment and reagents, for example, we have improved analysis performance at the laboratory level, particularly in Korhogo,” Dr. Amatcha-Lepry added. “Teams now conduct serology tests, with plans for future capabilities to diagnose avian flu and rabies.”</p>

<h2>Impact on Zoonosis Prevention Efforts</h2>
<p>The upgrading of LANADA's veterinary laboratories aligns with efforts by the Ivorian government to combat and prevent zoonotic diseases at a decentralized level. This initiative not only enhances local health systems but also strengthens national frameworks against infectious diseases that can jump from animals to humans.</p>

<h2>Benefits of Improved Laboratory Standards</h2>
<table class="wp-block-table">
            <td>Enhanced Disease Surveillance</td>
            <td>Improved capability to detect and respond to outbreaks of zoonoses and outbreaks of animal diseases.</td>
            <td>Food Safety Assurance</td>
            <td>Strengthened ability to monitor food quality and safety, ensuring public health and consumer confidence.</td>
            <td>Combat Antimicrobial Resistance</td>
            <td>Better diagnosis and research capabilities to address AMR, contributing to global health efforts.</td>
            <td>Research and Innovation</td>
            <td>Promoted research initiatives focused on animal health and food safety, driving innovation and improvement.</td>

<h2>Practical Tips for Further Enhancements</h2>
    <li><strong>Engage with Local Communities:</strong> Educate locals about the importance of animal health and zoonoses prevention.</li>
    <li><strong>Continuous Training:</strong> Ensure ongoing training for laboratory staff to keep up with the latest technologies and best practices.</li>
    <li><strong>Partnerships:</strong> Foster partnerships with international organizations for knowledge sharing and resource support.</li>
    <li><strong>Public Awareness Campaigns:</strong> Launch campaigns to inform the public about food safety and animal health.</li>

<h2>Case Study: Success in Korhogo</h2>
<p>The Korhogo laboratory recently ramped up its operations by implementing new serology tests that allow for quicker and more accurate diagnosis of diseases. This shift has led to reduced turnaround times for test results, benefitting local farmers and enhancing livestock management.</p>

<p>The renovation and upgrading of LANADA’s veterinary laboratories represent a significant leap towards enhanced animal health, food safety, and public health in Ivory Coast. With the continued support of FAO, USAID, and local authorities, these efforts will not only combat existing health challenges but also prevent future outbreaks of zoonotic diseases.</p>


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