Rawalpindi: Pink salt rooms for ‘respiratory patients’

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Pakistan‘s pink salt, also known as ‘pink gold’, is famous all over the world for its many health benefits.

Afshan Rafi, a resident of Rawalpindi, thought of taking advantage of the same properties of pink salt and built a special room called ‘House of Pink Salt’ for patients suffering from respiratory diseases, where 2,000 patients suffering from respiratory and skin diseases are kept. Sessions are paid per hour at Rs.

Afshan said that she was inspired by the salt rooms of Khewra Mines and the idea came from there.

However, he clarified that pink salt therapy is not a substitute for medical treatment and people should undergo this therapy only on the advice of a doctor.

He said that these rooms are 14 thousand kilos salt are made from Afshan researched before building the room and discovered that salt naturally has anti-fungal, anti-viral properties.

Afshan claimed that there are many such therapy centers abroad, where Pakistani pink salt is being used for respiratory and skin diseases.

He further said that one of the reasons behind building the ‘House of Pink Salt’ was that Khewra’s salt rooms are far away and people find it difficult to come and go.

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87-year-old Shaukat Mazhar, a customer who came to the ‘House of Pink Salt’, said that he had been suffering from breathing problems for which he had been receiving treatment, but it did not help him much.

However, in Shaukat’s opinion, this therapy must have helped him and now his breathing is not as fast as before.

Afshan said that apart from pink salt products such as lamps and some other decorative items, she also makes walls and rooms in homes and offices.

Most of the deposits of pink salt in Pakistan are in Khewra area of ​​Jhelum district in Punjab, Kala Bagh area of ​​Mianwali and Warcha area of ​​Khushab district.

The Salt Range is a 300 km belt of pink salt deposits in the mountain range between Jhelum and Kohat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

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Interview ⁤with Afshan Rafi: The Visionary Behind Rawalpindi’s House of ‌Pink Salt

Editor: Thank⁣ you⁢ for joining us today, Afshan. Your⁤ project, the‍ ‘House of Pink Salt’ in Rawalpindi, is fascinating. Can you tell us​ a bit about what‍ inspired‌ you to⁤ create this unique ⁤therapeutic space?

Afshan Rafi: Thank you for having⁤ me! The inspiration actually came from my visits to the Khewra Mines, where I saw how people were benefiting from the ⁢natural salt environment. I realized that we could harness the properties of⁤ Pakistan’s famous pink​ salt, known for its health benefits, to ⁤help those suffering from respiratory and skin diseases.

Editor: That’s really ​interesting! How many ⁤patients⁣ have‌ you served so‍ far, and what can ‌they expect ⁤during their sessions?

Afshan Rafi: So far,⁣ we’ve ⁣catered to around 2,000 patients. Each session lasts an hour, during ​which patients relax in a room enriched with 14,000 kilos of pink salt. The environment is designed to ease breathing and promote skin health due to⁢ the salt’s natural‌ anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

Editor: You mentioned that this therapy ​isn’t ​a substitute for⁢ medical treatment. Can you elaborate on that?

Afshan Rafi: Absolutely. It’s very important for patients to understand that while pink salt therapy can ⁣be beneficial, it should ‌complement,‍ not replace, conventional medical‍ treatments. I always advise people to consult their doctors before starting any form​ of therapy.

Editor: Have‌ you noticed ⁣growing interest⁣ in ​salt therapy, both locally and internationally?

Afshan Rafi: Yes, indeed. There are many therapy centers abroad using ‍Pakistani ​pink salt⁣ for similar health issues,⁣ which shows ⁤a growing recognition of its benefits. I’m excited to ⁣see more people exploring these natural remedies.

Editor: Thank ‌you,⁣ Afshan,‍ for sharing your vision and the work you’re doing to ​help people. We wish you⁤ all the​ best with the House of Pink Salt!

Afshan Rafi: Thank you! It’s ⁢been a ‌pleasure discussing this important topic.
Interview with Afshan Rafi: The Visionary Behind Rawalpindi’s House of Pink Salt

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Afshan. Your project, the ‘House of Pink Salt’ in Rawalpindi, is fascinating. Can you tell us a bit about what inspired you to create this unique therapeutic space?

Afshan Rafi: Thank you for having me! The inspiration actually came from my visits to the Khewra Mines, where I saw how people were benefiting from the natural salt environment. I realized that we could harness the properties of Pakistan’s famous pink salt, known for its health benefits, to help those suffering from respiratory and skin conditions.

Editor: That sounds incredible. Can you explain how the therapy works and the kind of benefits patients can expect?

Afshan Rafi: Certainly! In our salt therapy rooms, we use 14,000 kilos of pink salt to create an environment that promotes relaxation and alleviates respiratory issues. The salt has natural anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, which can help clear the airways and improve skin conditions. However, it’s important to note that our therapy is not a substitute for medical treatment; patients should consult their doctors before trying it.

Editor: You mentioned that people often face difficulties traveling to Khewra. Was accessibility one of your motivations for creating this facility?

Afshan Rafi: Yes, exactly! Many people in Rawalpindi and the surrounding areas find it challenging to visit Khewra for salt therapy. I wanted to provide a convenient option for those who’d benefit from pink salt therapy without the long journey.

Editor: That’s a thoughtful initiative. Have you received any feedback from your patients?

Afshan Rafi: Yes, we have! Many patients have shared positive experiences. For instance, 87-year-old Shaukat Mazhar, who struggled with breathing problems, reported that his condition has improved significantly since starting therapy in our facility. It’s rewarding to know that we’re making a difference in people’s lives.

Editor: That’s wonderful to hear. Besides the therapy sessions, are there any other products or services you offer?

Afshan Rafi: We also create pink salt lamps and decorative items, which enhance the beauty of homes and offices while providing the same therapeutic benefits. Additionally, we can design personalized salt walls for various spaces.

Editor: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with the ‘House of Pink Salt’ in the future?

Afshan Rafi: My hope is to expand awareness about the benefits of pink salt therapy and to help more people find relief from their ailments. I also wish to inspire other entrepreneurs to explore innovative ways to use our natural resources for health and wellness.

Editor: Thank you, Afshan, for sharing your inspiring journey and the important work you’re doing in promoting health through pink salt therapy. We wish you all the best with the ‘House of Pink Salt’!

Afshan Rafi: Thank you for having me! It was a pleasure to share my vision.

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