Raven Saunders therefore wears the shot put mask in the Olympics

Raven Saunders therefore wears the shot put mask in the Olympics

Published 2024-08-08 12.18



PARIS. Raven Saunders, 28, is ready for the Olympic final in shot put.

Now she speaks out about the tough road here, about how close she was to giving up – and why she competes in a mask.

– It symbolizes darkness, she says.

The silver medalist from the Tokyo Olympics was badly out in the women’s shot put, but secured a final spot with the very last shot of the qualifier, which measured 18.62.

Afterwards, she felt more relief than joy.

Because the journey here has not exactly been smooth sailing…

“The Hulk”, as she is known, has struggled with mental illness throughout her adult life and has previously revealed that she considered suicide after falling into a deep depression following the 2016 Rio Olympics.

– I was sitting in a car and thought about killing myself. A last call to my psychologist saved me, she said then.

Shut down

In the spring of last year, she was suspended for having broken the mandatory stay reporting on repeated occasions, which is classified as a violation of the anti-doping rules.

The suspension was retroactive from August 2022 to mid-February 2024, allowing her to compete in the Olympics.

But it was far from obvious.

– You would only know how close I was to quitting. There had been such dark moments, where I dragged myself out of bed and forced myself to the gym with tears in my eyes, she says.

What kept her going was when people stopped her on the street and wished her luck for the Olympics.

– Then I realized that I am not only letting myself down if I quit, but also everyone who believes in me and is inspired by me.


fullscreenRaven Saunders. Photo: Patrick Smith/Getty Images

”Som Navy Seals”

Now Raven Saunders is ready for the Olympic final.

And just like usual, she stood out in the competition arena as the only participant with a full face mask and big glasses.

– The mask symbolizes the dark fight I have against myself. I feel like part of the army or Navy SealsinfocloseNavy SealsThe US Navy Special Forces.. And then of course it’s about looking a little scary, it never hurts…

The ladies’ ball final is tomorrow (Friday) evening starting at 19.37.

Both Fanny Roos and Axelina Johansson are ready for the final.

The medal league


No medals awarded for selected sport.

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