Rauch now wants to continue working politically

VIENNA. In an interview with the APA, Health and Social Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) has considered withdrawing from his planned political retirement. There are still numerous projects that are close to his heart, such as basic child benefits, and the 65-year-old is thinking of continuing. He also wants to make his contribution in difficult political times, he said, referring to authoritarian tendencies across Europe and the currently strong FPÖ. He could imagine participating in government negotiations or “in some capacity” politically.

Rauch sharply criticized the FPÖ and its handling of the corona pandemic. The FPÖ is “actually partly responsible for the fact that the willingness to be vaccinated has generally declined.” The population, however, accepts the now free HPV vaccination for people up to 30 years of age. In July last year, 1,000 people in the 21- to 29-year-old age group were vaccinated; this July, there were 17,500 HPV vaccinations.

Regarding the discussion about social assistance for large families, Rauch noted that an average family receives around 740 euros in minimum benefits for an average of nine months. He called for a nationwide standardization.

When asked about his election goal, Rauch said he would participate in a three-party coalition. This would probably consist of the ÖVP, SPÖ and the Neos or the Greens. “I think it is good and important to be part of it again,” said Rauch.



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