Rauch about Corona measures: “School closings were a mistake”

He emphasized this on Friday in the Ö1 “Mittagsjournal”. The minister was not present at yesterday’s presentation of the social science study by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) because he had to be present in the Federal Council.

Like Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), Rauch also stated today that “undoubtedly” mistakes had been made, but that they had always acted in accordance with the state of knowledge at the time. Some points would probably be done differently in the future, he said.

He is critical of the closure of schools, for example. “Looking back, with today’s knowledge, I think it was difficult, not to say it was a mistake,” said Rauch. Children and young people from socially disadvantaged families in particular would find it difficult to make up for this time.

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“Complete isolation” is problematic

The “complete isolation” of old people in nursing homes will probably no longer be carried out in the same way in the future, he said. At that time, however, the assessment of the measures was the same. We also now know that we have to communicate very precisely. “You know everything better in the end.”

He will not apologize for his actions back then. Critics such as the FPÖ, who spread false information, would have to do this. Today there are still libertarians who believe that the Minister of Health is to blame for the deaths of hundreds of thousands because the vaccination was propagated, criticized Rauch. This is “completely absurd”.

The FPÖ immediately criticized Rauch, who had only given “hypocritical justifications,” as blue health spokesman Gerhard Kaniak said. Like Nehammer, Rauch shows no admission of guilt and only pursues victim-perpetrator reversal. Kaniak speculated that the “corona tyranny” was just a radical test balloon for the minister and those like him to see how far they could go with the population.

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Rauch also referred to the planned epidemic law. Although this will no longer be examined this year as planned, it is already available as a draft in his office. This still needs to be coordinated with the coalition partner, i.e. the ÖVP, he reported. The draft will then be reviewed.


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